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Started by kits, Feb 09 06 02:47

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Use the force, young Obiwan

  [A onclick="open('arbre.php?0=TheForce&last=TheForce%20-%20Harriet.gif','tree','')" href=""][img onmouseover=show(); title="TheForce - fight club.gif" onmouseout=hide(); alt="TheForce - fight club.gif" src="" border=0 name=imagetoresize][/A]
"I used to rock and roll all night and party every day, then it was every other day.  Now I'm lucky if I can find half an hour a week in which to get funky."

PostMonkee @(^_^)@

Join the dark side, young padawan!

We get all the chicks!!

Jesus, bad waves of paranoia, madness, fear and loathing - intolerable vibrations in this place. Get out. The weasels were closing in. I could smell the ugly brutes. Flee.


"I used to rock and roll all night and party every day, then it was every other day.  Now I'm lucky if I can find half an hour a week in which to get funky."


"I used to rock and roll all night and party every day, then it was every other day.  Now I'm lucky if I can find half an hour a week in which to get funky."

PostMonkee @(^_^)@

Hawtness censored for DS's pleasure.

Jesus, bad waves of paranoia, madness, fear and loathing - intolerable vibrations in this place. Get out. The weasels were closing in. I could smell the ugly brutes. Flee.


Bottles of kosher beer Simcha speed through the production process at a German brewery, under the watchful eye of master brewer Michael Huschens.
That's dedication.

Sydney Wildlife World is experiencing something of a baby boom, with three koalas giving birth in recent weeks.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

PostMonkee @(^_^)@

How would you like to be the rabbi who has to bless beer on an assembly line.

I don't know whether that's the bottom rung of the profession or the top.

Guess it depends on how much you like beer.
Jesus, bad waves of paranoia, madness, fear and loathing - intolerable vibrations in this place. Get out. The weasels were closing in. I could smell the ugly brutes. Flee.



  Is this person hiding a penis? That's kind of a boyish figure.[/DIV]
"I used to rock and roll all night and party every day, then it was every other day.  Now I'm lucky if I can find half an hour a week in which to get funky."

PostMonkee @(^_^)@

Gah!! You mean I've been fapping off to a boy for the last 10 minutes???
Jesus, bad waves of paranoia, madness, fear and loathing - intolerable vibrations in this place. Get out. The weasels were closing in. I could smell the ugly brutes. Flee.


cycling path Trois-Rivières, Quebec
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Fap away, PostMonkee.

  [A onclick="open('arbre.php?0=Animaux&last=bull.gif','tree','')" href=""][img onmouseover=show(); title=watching_you.gif onmouseout=hide(); alt=watching_you.gif src="" border=0 name=imagetoresize][/A]  
"I used to rock and roll all night and party every day, then it was every other day.  Now I'm lucky if I can find half an hour a week in which to get funky."


[img title=xdnodzggmeitmn45yeu2.jpg alt=xdnodzggmeitmn45yeu2.jpg src=""]

  [FONT color=#ff007f size=6]Tunnel of Love[/FONT]
"I used to rock and roll all night and party every day, then it was every other day.  Now I'm lucky if I can find half an hour a week in which to get funky."

PostMonkee @(^_^)@

Ah! I forgot to ask! Who's that girl (?) at the gift shop??

Jesus, bad waves of paranoia, madness, fear and loathing - intolerable vibrations in this place. Get out. The weasels were closing in. I could smell the ugly brutes. Flee.


"I used to rock and roll all night and party every day, then it was every other day.  Now I'm lucky if I can find half an hour a week in which to get funky."


Olive Oyl always gave me the creeps.  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.
