Gone Fishing C U Tue. wrote:
Any person is capable of snapping and losing it even a couple in a relationship.
Male and female on Robson street had been using some chemicals that reacted badly, the male got violent flipped out and took on a car, the car full of young frightened teens, this hulk of a male (6'2 medium to large muscular build approximately 225 - 250 Lbs
He put his fist through the car window, rocking the car side to side. Blood flowing down his hands he kept lashing out at random, the public walking past and the poor teens trapped in the car, this man had snapped... It took 4 of us to take him down AND 2 PAIRS OF HANDCUFFS TO RESTRAIN HIM. He broke the first pair put on him, I have never seen it done before, but I did that night.
The woman did not take kindly to her man being arrested and went off on the Officers arresting him. calming and settling her down was not that difficult. The problems arose a little time later, She had a knife and had gone off the dee pend she has slashed her wrist open from thumb to elbow.
Sadly once she had been settled down and sat down, none of the officers on the scene paid any attention to the young lass, she took advantage of the time to attempt suicide or to just cry for help in a strange way. She was taken in to police custody and then to the hospital for the help she needed, as for the man he was taken to hospital for assessment, then later to the police station for charges of assault, vandalism and a couple of others. The girl was never charged.
I have seen situations where a couple have lashed out at each other. Had it been the girl who had snapped and not the guy and if she had gone after him with a knife.
What you are saying Natasha is he should not strike her to defend himself ?
I have to concede in most relationships the chances of that happened are slim..
Situation B
MALE A. Has been f*cking his wife's, younger sister and the wife goes after him with a knife with the intention of killing him.. He strikes her once knocking her cold...
Who is at fault and what charges do you press ?
Situation C
Wife has been drinking and is intoxicated. Husband comes home from work, Wife demands more money, so she can go buy more alcohol, husband refuses to give her anymore money till she sobers up...
Wife proceeds to beat her husband with a stick. Should the man stand there and take it? Should he run away? Should he strike his wife and take the stick from her? Should he leave the house & call 911 then press charges of assault against his wife?
In situation C Husband was in an abusive relationship, He was constantly being beaten by his wife. He finally got up the nerve and he left her. There are homes for physically abused women to run to but where does an abused man go to? This is something not talked of often, it does occur & more often than people realize.
Situation C is a close personal friend of mine... I have never known him to to even harm a fly, he is one of the very few people in my life I have ever known that is a truly none violent person and lived his life accordingly. Sadly he was trapped in an abusive relationship for years.
Thankfully he is not in that relationship anymore. Sadly the courts saw fit to give his ex wife child custody. It took a few more years & many court battles before the courts revoked her custody rights. The male now has custody rights, his children are strong and & healthy. His new wife is adorable and I think he has finally hit the jackpot this time.
Situation A. The male was a good friend of mine & I hated having to place him under arrest that arrest was My first step away from the brother hood of the street I grew up with and was a part of. It shames me that I had to arrest, a Man I had looked up to. I had, had respect for him before that day, but none there after.
I could not let him hurt those teens in the car... He really was not in his right mind.. I had asked him to stand down, I had asked him to step away, I asked him to not make me have to arrest him, He did not even recognize me, I am not even sure if he was capable of cognizant thought, looking into his blood shot glassy eyes, I was afraid one of the very few times in my life, that I was in fear for my safety.
Thankfully my back up arrived and I was not forced to try to take him down alone, I f I had tried to take him down alone I probably would of had to resort to lethal force If the situation turned badly And with the size of **** would have stood at least a 90% chance he would of killed me, If I had tried to take him down alone... He stands head and shoulders above me, at that time He even weighed more than I did. He was a couple of years older than me & he had taught most of the martial arts we knew..
no Natasha Any person is capable of losing it and any person could end up in a situation where they have just a split second to decide what course of action to take.. hopefully it never occurs but the sad truth is that it does.. the saddest part of all, is the women who will continue to go home to an abusive spouse.. lets not forget all the men who will do the same.. worst of all are the children who get caught in the middle...
Our world is not a perfect society, sadly to many people will resort to violence first and all else second. We are a horribly violent species or a violent plague if you prefer the matrix stand point.. A Virus, a scourge on this planet..
Ok first of all. I'm pressed for time so I'm not even going to attempt to read all that... sorry. I'll try to come back and read it all later. I will reply to the part I bolded (only because I saw my name as I was skimming through it) =) Yes, any type of person is capable of loosing it at any given time. However, we were talking about relationships. Not random idiocracy at it's worst. And I'm pretty sure what got all this started was some females saying they would put a man first. Meaning above their children AND themselves. If a woman leaves an abusive relationship, then guess what? She did not put her man first. She put herself and her child(ren) first... as it should be. If you really do have that "Leave it to Beaver" lifestyle, then sure I can see the man coming first. but if you really think about it all this talk of men being first and what not is a waste of time. The gay/lesbian community is becomming more open and socially acceptable so many homes/relationships aren't so typical these days anyway. People can live different types of lifestyles while maintaining respect and equality. When it comes to hitting women. Unless you're a woman yourself, it's never ok. Now that doesn't mean you can't protect yourself as a man. But lets face it, most women can be easily overpowered by men. So why close handed hit her? Why not push her? Why not twist her arm? Why not just leave? No one said as a man you have to stay there. Most people can see a bad situation brewing up but most stay right there pushing buttons. The only I would ever say it's ok for a man to hit a woman is if his immediate life is in danger. Lets face it though, she's a woman. If you ever piss a woman so bad she wants to kill you, she'll wait til you're asleep and do it then. Well mister, you made me reply and it took longer than I expected...lol I think Orik is rubbing off on me
I guess we'll see where this leads on Tuesday... have a safe and fun fishing trip =)