I go through this every time I face this situation. This should be the last time, as there is only one room left in my house with enamel paint.
The confusion is.....I know I can't paint latex over enamel without a primer/sealer. But now I don't know if I can use latex primer over the oil.
I have a can of Prestige Primer Sealer, Latex Acrylic Paint.
On the can it says....Adheres to Latex AND OIL BASED PAINTS. So to make double sure, I went to the Prestige paint website, where in their 'Expert Advice' section, they say (after some intstructions on how to determine whether the existing paint is oil or latex)......"........if the paint doesn't come off, it's oil-based, and
a pre-coat of oil-based primer is a must"
What to do, what to do.