Homeless Allowed to Camp in parks

Started by P.C., Oct 15 08 03:33

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Is allowing the homeless to set up tents in public parks OK ?

Absolutely....they have to stay somewhere
0 (0%)
I don't think it's OK....but they have to stay somewhere
4 (80%)
No...it violates the rights of other park users
2 (40%)
Definitely not....it's not the answer to anything
0 (0%)
Sure...why not.  We should all camp in the parks free, why pay to camp in a Provincial Park
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 5


Did I mention I liked it here.... lol
maybe you didn't read that. ;) :)

Yeah I'd like to live in Europe but I'd go nuts with every country's tendancey to ethnic cleanse their minorities, yet they get on their high horse and preach.

That's the only thing I really hate about certain stripes up here. They're bit clueless about America and I get singled out by those people of ignorance who only talk to me to wonder if Madison, Wisconsin the most 'progressive' university in America and one of the most liberal cities in the US, is the America seen in the movie Birth of a Nation  D. W. Griffith, with KKK roaming the streets and public lynchings of black people. I kid you not, first day in one class some girl asked me if Madison Wisconsin was this dangerous racist place. I'm too kind, said um no you're way off. I should of said yes, black people get hanged, KKK roam the streets and everyone walks around with machine guns.

hahaha somebody asks me again that question about one of the nicer places to live in the US again, I'll make it sound like hell and they'll probably believe me.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Uhhh....yea....you mentioned how much you liked it after you tore it limb from limb.

  maybe destroy this stupid concept of a Confederation which never work because its a root cause of everything that is politically wrong in Canada.
- Con Air program is a good example of what is wrong with Canada
- commit a crime in Manitoba come to BC and your record doesn't count. Total bullshit and don't scream provincial rights, provincial righters. Are we a country or an Umbrella country made up of individual countries, like a union? which is it?
- take national health care out of the hands of the provinces
- create a national mental health network
- people's rights trump silly provincial rights when it comes to common sense.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


how is that tearing it apart?
Criticizing a country's political structure and efficiency is normal thought.
There's no PR
There's too much de-centralization
This country has a high frequency of political instability which is well known
This country can't address these issues without fixing the root cause of the instability
This takes political will of the people
Something that just isn't the psyche of Canadians, which is fine. It'll be interesting with my age comes to power 50% of the 18-35 group doesn't give a shit, doesn't vote, doesn't care about Constitutional or societal issues (arm chair quarterbacks). Apathy. (same for the states and everywhere else in the 'western world' its not just a Canadian thing)
If those 50% get tired of the political process then we've got a problem.

US has more problems than Canada, I'd rather live in Canada then the US. Every country has its flaws, but I wouldn't want to live anywhere else even if some other internationals I know believe this place is boring and wonder why I'd leave the US. Yet I get sad when I leave this country and happy when I return to it. I consider Canada home, I just wish some people had the same enthusiasm as I do and didn't dream of living in New York or some place.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I just wish some people had the same enthusiasm as I do and didn't dream of living in New York or some place.

  But it was ok for you to dream of being somewhere else ?
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I'm not dreaming, dreaming of goals is different from longing for a place. I know where my home is. I can leave home and still call it home knowing where my home is. I have never gotten the 'this is home' feeling until I came to Vancouver. So I don't understand your question.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Anyone had enough of all the golf courses in Metro Van?  How about the city turn a couple of the ones in Van into homeless shelters.  Like anyone's going to be playing golf at 2010 time!
C'mon, the city is sleeping!


I believe in time golf courses will be turned into natural green spaces and housing.  For all to enjoy, not just the rich.  And there's not much natural about most golf courses.  Smell the grass, it ain't grass.
C'mon, the city is sleeping!



Golf courses are too far away from downtown.  If this wasn't the case I'm sure there would be a huge tent city.

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C'mon, the city is sleeping!
