BC Ferries is cutting service on routes

Started by Sportsdude, Oct 01 08 08:29

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Sportsdude wrote:
Labour Relations Board will disappear just as quickly. Then where will you go, the Human Rights Commission? The party in power can get rid of that too. You will have nothing, no voice to back you up and you'll get squashed by whomever you're going up against. Everyone has become complacent if they believe that those boards will always be there and at the same time believe those boards just were created on their own. How did those boards and commissions get created in the first place? I wonder who pushed for them... hmmm  
  You really have no clue do you?
When the End comes, don't worry if your party shoes are clean or not. Just make sure you have them on!


  Sportsdude wrote:
 lol classic anti-union spew post 1980 Reaganism economics where he complained poor people on welfare were living it up, viciously attack the poor and weak, the modern conservative way. total bs. So said that a political ideology has spewed into just hate. When we think of conservatism now its Rush Limbaugh. lol

Company profits go down, blame the worker of course, not the over paid management who made the bad decisions. It's always the workers fault because you know they make all the decisions of course.

BC Ferries is in trouble because of the decision to build the stupid ships in Germany. BC Ferries could have built the ships in Victoria for much cheaper and would have helped BC shipbuilding industry. But Campbell rather help out his buddies in Germany than the citizens of British Columbia. So, of course Campbell  was hopping mad when Harper said BC had to pay the huge import tax and refused to waive it. So the tax payers of BC now had to pay the bills on the giant cruise ships.

The giant import tax+ building the ships in Germany+ high cost of fuel = current BC Ferries problems.
All of those decisions aren't the workers problems, but the failure of management. So instead of only having to deal with high fuel costs, the government due to sloppy inept managing has a 4 headed monster. Then add on top of that Gordon gave himself a raise. And you've got problems, my friends.

LOL. Classic pro union spew. (could help it sorry SD)

The ships built in germany were brought in on budget because the unions there have a clue. They want the work and are willing to work at keeping them on time and in budget.They did overtime for nothing which was the equivalent of like 10 unpaid days to bring in the ships on time and on budget.
Do you know why the ferries were not built here?
The ferry corp tendered the ferries internationally, the local yards were 15% above the international bids, and months longer to build. Even with the import tax (which of course they should pay) overall in the long run its cheaper. On top of that they would not accept the inclusion of clauses that the ferries wanted for penalties, which would have helped hold the shipyards to task on keeping them on time and on budget. Part of what they would not accept was a fixed price on labour.. so that means if they were going to be behind time building them, they could eat they lower penalties they would accept, and just keep charging the taxpayers more and more on labour.
The german ships are top notch quality and built with parts availability and interchangability in mind. I work on ships, these are really good. Worth the money.
On top of that the ferries as they were tendering had the yards do some repair work for them. The work was done right, dont get me wrong the workers are good adn do the job, but they were done overbudget and late. That didnt do them any favours during the decion.
Look at the vessels built here before. Let me know if you find any done on time and on budget. The shipyards cry and the ferry corp pays more.

Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Thanks for the details Russ.  I understood it was something like that, but didn't know enough of the details to bring it into the debate.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


"But Harper failed to answer the part of the question about whether he would forgive the $80 million in import duties owed by the BC Ferry Services Inc. for three Super-C class ferries built in Germany under a 2004 contract. BC Ferries has been asking for the duties to be waived on the three ships, which [a href="http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/westcoastnews/story.html?id=72ad82cd-4e4a-40c7-a66b-6665d38c7df6" rel="external"]may be docked[em][/em][/a] to save money on fuel, and had the support of outgoing finance minister David Emerson."

[a href="http://thetyee.ca/Blogs/TheHook/Federal-Politics/2008/09/30/HarperFerryTax/"]http://thetyee.ca/Blogs/TheHook/Federal-Politics/2008/09/30/HarperFerryTax/[/a]

"BC Ferries may reduce the number of sailings for its Super-C class vessels as part of a strategic approach to cut millions of dollars from its operating costs.
He said C-class vessels could take over Super-C routes to save money.[/p]"When you see traffic drop off, you don't need a larger ferry," Stefanson said Friday. "July was down. We were back up in August a bit, but September's been down as well." BC Ferries was expected to announce a plan next week to reduce operating costs. Stefanson could not provide details about the traffic reduction or how much money management aimed to save."[/p][a href="http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/westcoastnews/story.html?id=72ad82cd-4e4a-40c7-a66b-6665d38c7df6"]http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/westcoastnews/story.html?id=72ad82cd-4e4a-40c7-a66b-6665d38c7df6[/a]

waste of money.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


 Sportsdude wrote:
"But Harper failed to answer the part of the question about whether he would forgive the $80 million in import duties owed by the BC Ferry Services Inc. for three Super-C class ferries built in Germany under a 2004 contract. BC Ferries has been asking for the duties to be waived on the three ships, which [a  href="http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/westcoastnews/story.html?id=72ad82cd-4e4a-40c7-a66b-6665d38c7df6" rel="external"]may be docked[em][/em][/a] to save money on fuel, and had the support of outgoing finance minister David Emerson."

[a  href="http://thetyee.ca/Blogs/TheHook/Federal-Politics/2008/09/30/HarperFerryTax/"]http://thetyee.ca/Blogs/TheHook/Federal-Politics/2008/09/30/HarperFerryTax/[/a]

"BC Ferries may reduce the number of sailings for its Super-C class vessels as part of a strategic approach to cut millions of dollars from its operating costs.
[p style="font-style: italic;"]He said C-class vessels could take over Super-C routes to save money.[/p][p style="font-style: italic;"]"When you see traffic drop off, you don't need a larger ferry," Stefanson said Friday. "July was down. We were back up in August a bit, but September's been down as well." BC Ferries was expected to announce a plan next week to reduce operating costs. Stefanson could not provide details about the traffic reduction or how much money management aimed to save."[/p][a  href="http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/westcoastnews/story.html?id=72ad82cd-4e4a-40c7-a66b-6665d38c7df6"]http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/westcoastnews/story.html?id=72ad82cd-4e4a-40c7-a66b-6665d38c7df6[/a]

waste of money.
LOL, I was talking about the other side of it, not this.
You are right SD on teh fact that it costs more to run on certain routes. The bigger ferries are useful during the summers and when the routes are busy. From what I remember reading it was always planned to use the smaller vessels when the bigger ones werent required. The fuel was not planned for, nobody could know. It reduced all amounts of vehicle traffic, I do think it will return.

I do not think it was a waste of money SD. The ferries are built very well, probably better than we would built here. In the long run I think it will pay for itself.

Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


"When you see traffic drop off, you don't need a larger ferry," Stefanson said Friday. "July was down. We were back up in August a bit, but September's been down as well."

  Brilliant.  I think if he checked his facts, he probably would have discovered that September traffic has logically been down since the beginning of time...... small detail related to kids returning to school.    
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I just learned that our neighbour, has to go to Van,  Monday mornings for his job.  The 6:30 am boat is one of the sailings being removed.  Now he has to go Sunday nights....and to add to the over inflated rates, has to get a hotel.  How frustrating for him......and expensive.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.



omg....it's making sense to me now.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


P.C. wrote:
 I just learned that our neighbour, has to go to Van,  Monday mornings for his job.  The 6:30 am boat is one of the sailings being removed.  Now he has to go Sunday nights....and to add to the over inflated rates, has to get a hotel.  How frustrating for him......and expensive.

 Ask him how many other people usually are on that ferry.
C'mon, the city is sleeping!


A few times he has had morning sailing waits.....and on his returns, he almost always has a sailing wait and last Friday, he had two sailing waits.....and the same with tonight.  He'd make a reservation, but he's never sure when he's going to get out of the office.  

  The last 3 trips over for us, we have had sailing waits as well.....except the last one, where we were literallly the 3rd to last car to get on.

  I'm not really sure what he's talking about, because as far as I can see, it's the Sunday 6:30 am sailing that's being cut.  I may have misunderstood. (???)  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


So now they've parked the first of the three "Hitler's Revenge" C-class ferries and are bringing The Queen of Cowichan back!
C'mon, the city is sleeping!
