Habits of a Bad Date

Started by Lise, Sep 12 08 05:26

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OMG, are you giving us the Red Light Special?




And I'm afraid of googling that at work... halitosis sounds like biology term meiosis...



If this thread was on DV, do you know what the reply would be from someone..say tenkani?

  "This thread makes my panties wet and moist."  




Quit feeding the bot, Michel!




Right. Nevermind. I think this thread has gone to the gutter and possibly beyond.

  Halitosis. Fancy smacy word for bad breath. If a guy has bad breath, it means, he doesn't floss, he probably brushes once a month and then some.

  With the cheapskate thing, he's got to spend something special, right? Like not take you out to McPuke for a first night or not get you anything (like flowers) just to say hello? You wanna go out with a guy like that? I think not! He's got to spend a bit of $$ on you. I'm not saying like serious moo-lah but enough to know that you're special. Like buying your dinner on the first date says a lot. I dunno. Just call me old fashion because I kinda like that in a guy.

  The driving thing - well, I just want to be driven, not the other way round. It's kinda embarassing to show up with a date that don't drive. OK, at this point, I like to be a princess and be driven around in a carriage. Nevermind that it's an old beat up lemon but just drive the something with wheels.

  OK, I like my men in suits. I don't know. There's something to be said about a man in a classic suit or just an open collared neck and good pants. Not some yooboo in baggy sweats and smelly jeans. It just tells me that at least he takes care of himself and will probably wash his own toilet.    
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Every girl's crazy bout a sharp dressed man !

  Hey.....there's nothing wrong with being selective, Lise.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


baaaaaa lise lol

the the national advancement for the hoodie, jeans, scruffy beard and sandals crowd protests your post. lol
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Lise wrote:  The driving thing - well, I just want to be driven, not the other way round. It's kinda embarassing to show up with a date that don't drive. OK, at this point, I like to be a princess and be driven around in a carriage. Nevermind that it's an old beat up lemon but just drive the something with wheels.

Then there are some guys who can REALLY drive you up the wall!

Lil Me

 Lise wrote:
OK, I like my men in suits. I don't know.
 Everyone goes for a different look.
 I like men who look clean and smell clean on a date...who wear clean clothes that are appropriate for the event or activity.
 I'm not much a of a fancypants grrrl, so I don't require a man in a suit unless it's a wedding or a funeral.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


  Over all, I like good ol plain jeans.....clean of course.   I think I like it when I see 'regular dresser guy' in a suit, more than simply saying I like men in suits.  There's something sexy about the transformation.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.
