Sakha is Tehborkens wife and I believe she is Cambodian. English is her second language and being new to the US. So, many things for Sakha are complete new experience, she tends to say or do some very amusing things.
Though perhaps a little embarrassing for her and Tehborken, ESL people say some fairly amusing things...& some of the things tehbork has been so kind to share of her are very amusing and heart warming.
Today I asked a cashier what the Botticelli chocolates were on the shelf behind her. The store clerks response was, they are diabetic chocolates and if your not diabetic. they have a laxative effect.
And I said...................................
[/li][/ul]........... Well I am not laxative... and I have no need of a diabetic.......
sighs some times it just doesnt pay to speak out loud or to even go out on a Monday.