FBI Fights Testing For False DNA Matches

Started by TehBorken, Jul 20 08 07:40

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More proof that the FBI is NOT interested in justice and that they are NOT your friend. Make no mistake about it- they're out to get you at any cost and your actual guilt or innocence isn't a factor.

The Los Angeles Times reports that an Arizona crime lab technician found [a href="http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-dna20-2008jul20,0,1506170,full.story"]two felons with remarkably similar genetic profiles[/a], so similar that they would ordinarily be accepted in court as a match, but one felon was black and the other white.

The FBI estimated the odds of unrelated people sharing those genetic markers to be as remote as 1 in 113 billion. Dozens of similar matches have been found, and these findings raise questions about the accuracy of the FBI's DNA statistics. Scientists and legal experts want to test the accuracy of official statistics using the nearly 6 million profiles in CODIS, the national system that includes most state and local databases.

The FBI has tried to block distribution of the Arizona results and is blocking people from performing similar searches using [a href="http://www.dna.gov/uses/solving-crimes/cold_cases/howdatabasesaid/codis/"]CODIS[/a]. A legal fight is brewing over whether the nation's genetic databases ought to be opened to wider scrutiny. At stake is the credibility of the odds often cited in DNA cases, which can suggest an all but certain link between a suspect and a crime scene.  
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.