Me-ouch! Cat survives 24-metre fall from tree in South Carolina

Started by Sportsdude, Mar 22 06 08:43

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Me-ouch! Cat survives 24-metre fall from tree in South Carolina [!-- END HEADLINE --] [DIV id=ynmain][!-- BEGIN STORY BODY --] [DIV id=storybody] [DIV class=storyhdr] [EM class=timedate]Tue Mar 21, 10:31 PM EST[/i]

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SUMMERVILLE, S.C. (AP) - Piper the cat may have used up a life or two but was unharmed after falling nearly 24 metres from a tree.


 She had been in the tree for eight days when a rescuer began climbing up to save her Monday. But a scared Piper crept away until the limb underneath her snapped. She fell 24 metres, twisting and turning in the air before slamming onto the ground. It looked like a catastrophe but Piper was not even dazed, scampering off before her owner Rodney Colvin could catch her.


 Piper was found a few minutes later under a vehicle. Her owner said she had no broken bones and was only a little dehydrated.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


"We can't stop here. This is bat country."