Started by Richard, Jun 09 08 07:10

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Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against China, but lately it seems like there's been far too much coverage of the earthquake victims in China and far too little coverage of the cyclone victims in Burma (Myanmar).

The earthquake in China killed only 69,000. The cyclone in Myanmar killed about a million. (The official death toll was once at 90,000, but after that point, the Burmese officials stopped counting the number of deaths.)

You cannot compare the utter devastation in Myanmar to the much smaller situation in China.

So why is it that the media is ignoring Myanmar? Why is it that the media keeps talking about the aftermath of the Chinese earthquake but there's hardly any media coverage of the aftermath of Cyclone Nargis? Have we completely forgotten about the victims of the cyclone? Do we value the lives of the people in China more than we value the lives of the people in Myanmar? I really do not get it.  


> You cannot compare the utter devastation in Myanmar to the much smaller situation in China.


> Have we completely forgotten about the victims of the cyclone?


> Do we value the lives of the people in China more than we value the lives
> of the people in Myanmar?


> I really do not get it.



 [DIV style="OVERFLOW: auto; WIDTH: 100%"] Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against China, but lately it seems like there's been far too much coverage of the earthquake victims in China and far too little coverage of the cyclone victims in Burma (Myanmar).

The earthquake in China killed only 69,000. The cyclone in Myanmar killed about a million. (The official death toll was once at 90,000, but after that point, the Burmese officials stopped counting the number of deaths.)

You cannot compare the utter devastation in Myanmar to the much smaller situation in China.

So why is it that the media is ignoring Myanmar? Why is it that the media keeps talking about the aftermath of the Chinese earthquake but there's hardly any media coverage of the aftermath of Cyclone Nargis? Have we completely forgotten about the victims of the cyclone? Do we value the lives of the people in China more than we value the lives of the people in Myanmar? I really do not get it.

I think you're getting into tricky territory in trying to make a comparison?.  I'm not fully up to speed on all the political aspects of the two disasters.......but didn't Myanmar refuse aid ?  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Easy. Burma is a closed society. If something major happened in North Korea, we wouldn't be able to help or find out because of the society that country is.

Foreign journalists are allowed to see everything in China, when in Burma nobody is allowed.

Closed vs. Open.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Sportsdude wrote:
Easy. Burma is a closed society. If something major happened in North Korea, we wouldn't be able to help or find out because of the society that country is.

Foreign journalists are allowed to see everything in China, when in Burma nobody is allowed.

Closed vs. Open.
 SD is right. Its easier to get info and people into china to help or see than Burma. Burma has refused help and people into those most affected areas.. so how can the news get info? Use the US Spy satellites?
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Sad thing is, it is one of so many countries that are exactly like that. Too bad they never had oil, the west could come in and fix all their problems.
When the End comes, don't worry if your party shoes are clean or not. Just make sure you have them on!