I dunno, i'm getting the overall feeling the pacific northwest just isn't a major professional sports market. Yeah everyone will like the mlb, nfl, and in vancouver's case the nhl team, but that's all I think the area can support. (throw in 2 to 3 mls teams (seattle, vanouver, portland?) in the future).
Only reason I can figure, is my own personal tv sports habits these days. BC/Seattle/Portland if you're not outside, experiencing nature, you're missing out. Pacific Northwest isn't this flat cold boring place where all you do on the weekends is watch tv. (those were the weekends i remember growing up, nothing to do except watch the tube).
Anybody think I'm on to something here? I mean I've gone to parks on the weekends and I see families digging for clams and all sort of fun stuff, while I never had that, it was entertain myself with college football on the weekends or drive to the mall. eck.
who needs a sports team when you've got this awesome environment around you?