Van wrote:
I am not 100% sure I support abortion, or not. I need more heartfelt thoughts on that.[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"]
without going into personal stories because abortion is a personal issue based on choice, something the government has no right in medeling in. Take the religious views of a religion with its own political gains in this (cynical view, more birth control methods and abortion right become available = nobody in the pews to give these church body/political pressure bodies money. Its good business sense for the religions to be against freedom...) anyway take out that view and its this:
do you believe that women should have total control of their own bodies and reproductive rights? Take religion out of the issue and its a matter of rights. Should governments be able to decide what and what you can't do as a person, is that a free society?
or another question is do you want the government putting up barriers into your personal affairs? Do you want the government to say "Van, I'm sorry you don't control your own body, we do?"
catholic church has nothing to do with Jesus, roman catholicism was started by a roman emperor who decided he wanted to embrace this 'christianity' with roman paganism. Hence you go to a catholic church and you see idols, saints, etc. That's not Jesus related. Catholics believe they are the 'one true church' directly started by Peter and nobody else has the same divine path to God.
Its a religion in itself really, you pray to the pope so he can pray to Jesus. You pray to idols and saints to give you strength. Sound too Roman mythological? It's because it is... but shh don't tell a catholic this, they'll get mad and offended and say you are anti-catholic omg and you'll be on tv being screamed at by Bill Donahue and the Catholic League. Jesus would laugh at the head of the church wearing all this gold crowns and stuff, that's what Jesus fought against in the jewish hierarchy.
then to go even futher the old testament is about an up down type God. God commands you to do this, obey me now weak and petty person or you will die etc. New Testament is about all inclusive, happy, lets gather around in a circle and talk God, we are in this together view of God in Jesus. This view of God has compassion for people and is caring. While in the old testament, God is a cranky old man who sees you as nothing and you are just a pawn to him. Basically in the old testament if you don't follow along you will be killed, off with your head.
Protestantism is generally viewed as the 'lets hold hands in a circle' (the mainstream and liberal churches are) while the orthodox, catholic and hardline protestant churches believe in the old testament way of things and will condemn you to hell, excommunicate you etc. They also believe that THEY know what's best for you and you better follow along young man or you'll spend the rest of your life in eternal damnation sort of thing (old testament).