Quatchi is a young sasquatch with a long brown beard and blue earmuffs, while Miga is a snowboarding sea-bear — part killer whale and part kermode bear.[/p] And Sumi is a spirit animal that flies with the wings of a native thunderbird.[/p] There's even a sidekick: Mukmuk, a small friendly Vancouver Island Marmot.[/p]
[/p]Sumi - [a href="vny!://mash.zincroe.com/mascot/en/profile_s.php"]vny!://mash.zincroe.com/mascot/en/profile_s.php[/a]
Miga - [a href="vny!://mash.zincroe.com/mascot/en/profile_m.php"]vny!://mash.zincroe.com/mascot/en/profile_m.php[/a]
Quatchi - [a href="vny!://mash.zincroe.com/mascot/en/profile_q.php"]vny!://mash.zincroe.com/mascot/en/profile_q.php[/a]
Finland called, they were surprised to learn that they're hosting the olympics too since they're the Soumi nation. (soumi is said sue-mi and sumi is said sue-mi as well) lol
a sasquatch?