Hey, did you guys know that you can now have anyone (if met under criterias) to act as your guarantor? We don't have to use our Doctors, Lawyers, Dentists, CA's, Engineers, etc. We can put down our friends! This made my day!

)) Under the new policy effective today, an eligible guarantor must:
[UL] [LI]Be a Canadian citizen 18 years of age or older; [LI]Hold a five-year Canadian passport that is valid or has been expired for no more than one year; [LI]Have been 16 years of age or older when they applied for their own passport; and [LI]Have known the applicant personally for at least two years.[/LI][/UL] [A href="vny!://www.ppt.gc.ca/newsroom/news.aspx?lang=e&page=/newsroom/20071001.aspx"]vny!://www.ppt.gc.ca/newsroom/news.aspx?lang=e&page=/newsroom/20071001.aspx[/A]