"Dead" man wakes up under autopsy knife

Started by Lise, Sep 22 07 09:53

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OH GAWD! Imagine being 'dead' only to wake up when they start cutting you up. Yikes!

  CARACAS (Reuters) - A Venezuelan man who had been declared dead woke up in the morgue in excruciating pain after medical examiners began their autopsy.

   Carlos Camejo, 33, was declared dead after a highway accident and taken to the morgue, where examiners began an autopsy only to realize something was amiss when he started bleeding. They quickly sought to stitch up the incision on his face.

 [A href="http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070917/od_nm/autopsy_dc;_ylt=A0WTUdyo8PVGHigARAgSH9EA"]Read More Here[/A]

Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Holy CRAP !!!!  Nasty luck...... to think you might have survived a fatal situation, only to be subject to people who haven't got the where-with-all to figure out if you're dead or alive.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


only answer I could think of if I was forensics: "wow you must of took one strong sleeping pill."

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Besides being buried alive, i can't imagine a worst "death"


A horrible thought.

  I watched a program a while back about the amount of surgeries taking place while the person isn't fully under anesthesia.  The worst was a man who wasn't under anesthetic at all....but the medication they had given him pre-surgery had rendered him catatonic.  He could speak or move, but he was fully conscious.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.