
Started by P.C., Sep 22 07 03:05

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Heres how you do it.

Connect the red wire to the red wire. This is tricky as it can kill you so turn the switch board off. If you can't get the fuses out hit them with a hammer. This can be dangerous so do it quickly.

The black wire connects with the black wire. This is negative.

The green wire is for something else i'm not sure what so either ignore it or connect it to another wire. Any colour will do this isn't a fashion contest.

  This should get all your circuits going. Don't worry about expensive insulating tape you probably won't need it. The odd spark here or there is not to be worried about infact it proves that the wiring is installed mostly correctly. Douse liberally with buckets of water. Don't worry about water going on the ceiling. The ceiling probally won't collapse that day but if it does just remind hubby of all the money you have saved up to that point.  

P.C. really ARE an expert.  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]

Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.