purelife wrote:
Using only one word answer the following questions. If it's too long, you could do some.
And you're allowed to ask questions too.
Not as easy as you might think.
1. Where is your cell phone? - pocket
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? - Vacancy
3. Your hair? - Dark grey
4. Work?- Yes
5. Your father? - Deceased
6. Your favorite thing? - Friends
7. Your dream last night? - None
8. Your favorite drink? - Beer
9. Your dream car? - None
10. The room you're in? - Cafe
11. Your ex? - Friendly
12. Your fear? - Heights
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? - Contented
14. What you're not good at? - Public speaking
15. Muffin? ??
16. One of your wish list items? - Library
17. Where you grew up? - Britain
18. The last thing you did? - Sat
19. What are you wearing? - Smart casual
20. What aren't you wearing? - Raincoat
21. Your pet? -None at present
22. Your computer? - In front of me
23. Your life? - Surprising
24. Your mood? - Good
25. Missing? - Old friends
26. What are you thinking about right now? - How to fill in some of the questions I've left to the end
27. Your car/truck? - None
28. Your summer? - Poor
29. Your relationship status? - Vacant
30. Your favorite color? - Yellow
31. When is the last time you laughed? - A few minutes ago
32. Last time you cried? - Can't remember
33. School? - Uni.
34. Dinner? - Sweet and sour chicken
35. Piercings? - None
36. Tattoos? - None (hate 'em)
37. What are your plans for this Saturday? - None
38. Biggest regret? - Innocence
39. Pastime? - Reading
40. Where have you always wanted to go? - Egypt
41. Food? - Savoury
42. Breakfast? - Oatmeal
43. Books you read as a kid? - 'Everything'
44. Show you watched as a kid? - None
45. If you could be/do/have *something/someone* for a day what would it be? - A repeat of one day 25 years ago in Merano, Italy