Middle Class Disolving Further - US Real Estate Market

Started by stretchedout, Jun 13 07 09:29

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my medical bills suck up money like no tomorrow.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


P.C. wrote:
The mortgage company doesn't actually give a loan for the purchase of the property (as in cold hard cash.....all paperwork.....yes, no?

  Yes.   Transaction is handled by escrow company.  They verify title of the property is free of liens, etc.  They collect money from the lender and buyer and pay the seller.  They draw up the property deed and record it with the county

  The mortgage company doesn't actually own the property that the purchaser is mortgaging....yes, no?

  Yes.  the lender is recorded in the deed.  After the loan is paid off the lender draws up a conveyance to be recorded with the county.  The homeowner is provided a copy of the county stamped conveyance after recorded.  If the property is sold before the loan is paid off the escrow company will issue them a check to pay off the loan.

  If the homeowner walks away, the mortgage company now owns the property...yes, no?

  Yes.  Thats what foreclosure is.........its all spelled out in the loan contract.  They get to dispose off the property and whatever is left after they deducted the loan balance and expenses incurred is returned to you

  Why is the property necessarily worth less than before?    Could it not just as easily be worth more than before?

  Property value is based on what price someone else is willing to pay to buy your property.  When times were good there were buyers waiting in line to submit proposals.  Properties were selling 20%-30% over the asking price in my area last year

  Don't they receive money monthly that they can now get all over again for the same property?

Where is the loss to the mortgage company ?

  Investors buy properties planning to sell after a year or two ..... gambling that values will go up 20-30%.  They minimize putting out their own money.  What better way to make $200K - $300K in 15-24 months on a $1 million property with someone else money!

  I'm still confused.   Clear as mud?




Lil Me wrote:
and y'all can use your cold, hard cash to pay your medical bills!!!!  
  Nope.........I will use a small amount of my cold hard cash to purchase health insurance!!


All that gets me is a 4hr wait in an 'urgent care' where 5 people are waiting with me for care as well.

Oh and they've botched surgeries before on me too. And I've got the 'best' hospital in the country apparently. lol
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Thanks 49er.

Although it's not crystal clear.....it's clearer.......than mud.

  Is this your line of work, or just very knowledgeable about these things ?
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


 No....its not my line of work.  Just knowledge from past transactions and shoping for loans


many serious homeowners...ie. not the investors...... bought homes with the best of intentions.  They see home prices going up so fast that they felt they had to jump in to participate in the American dream.

  A conventional loan on a $1 million loan.....30 year 6.5% fix rate  is a monthly payment of $6,300.  To qualify requires a monthly gross income of $19,000 and be debt free at the time of the loan application.  Many folks will not qualify........end of story!

  Lenders then come up with flexible rate loans with a very low first year introductory rate offer.....like 2%.  Many folks now qualify because monthly payment on the same loan amount is now $3,700.  All they need is a monthly gross income of $11,100.  But after the first year, monthly payment more than doubles.......they struggle for a few months and realising they cannot even break even by selling the property they are forced into foreclosure.


Hmm... it seems that for a lot the dream is over temporarily.
C'mon, the city is sleeping!


"I used to rock and roll all night and party every day, then it was every other day.  Now I'm lucky if I can find half an hour a week in which to get funky."


Nobody would expect you to understand anything - lol!  The AMERICAN DREAM dumbass!
C'mon, the city is sleeping!