Kasper Hauser toys with a Nigerian scammer

Started by TehBorken, Apr 17 07 02:49

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[h3]          Kasper Hauser toys with a Nigerian scammer         [/h3] A member of the damn funny comedy sketch troupe, Kasper Hauser, had some fun with a Nigerian scammer, sharing the email exchange he had with the greedy criminal: [blockquote]Mr. Shaish,  My fax number is 415.268.0709, and my phone number is a Bimmelman's Business transaction decoder (type II) are you guys ok with GSM/GPRS lines? If not, I'll need to give you a dolphin decoder. But I'll need some sort of rotary code from you, either way. For now just send it on Ahonotu 0409 Mark I (Miami) and just tell the operator it's a "double-glazer".[br clear="all"][/p][/blockquote]  [a href="http://www.kasperhauser.com/email/"]Link[/a]  
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.