Resurrected: "hello mods"

Started by Moolah!, Mar 22 07 07:07

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WS wrote:
I think it Britney Smears that caused it, because I was wondering the same thing myself.  
   It was the gravestone!

But not by itself, in combination with other messages it was overstretching the screen.

I resized it, and it looks like a perfect resurrection now.  

[img onclick=smile(this.src) src=""]

*  Please unban me!! please please please  *



Raging Poodle sorry for posting the lizard,hope you can find room for my apology.
I don't hate and I am a humble person in rl.....god bless


jitter's wrote:
Raging Poodle sorry for posting the lizard,hope you can find room for my apology.
I don't hate and I am a humble person in rl.....god bless
 Hey it's all cool.

I don't think you're ready to become a troll yet. [img onclick=smile(this.src) src=""]

  In all these years, I've never turned into one myself.  

Some people aren't suited for that role.

So long as you don't hang out too much with EED, you should be OK. [img onclick=smile(this.src) src=""]

Take care.    
*  Please unban me!! please please please  *



 Raging Poodle! wrote:
jitter's wrote:
Raging Poodle sorry for posting the lizard,hope you can find room for my apology.
I don't hate and I am a humble person in rl.....god bless
 Hey it's all cool.

I don't think you're ready to become a troll yet. [img onclick="smile(this.src)" src=""]
In all these years, I've never turned into one myself.  
Some people aren't suited for that role.

So long as you don't hang out too much with EED, you should be OK. [img onclick="smile(this.src)" src=""]

Take care.
 wow too be honest I feel really warm inside,thanks Raging Poodle well off to a movie take care yourself,



WS wrote:
Who's EED?  
   He's the hemorrhoids of DV.  [img onclick=smile(this.src) src=""]

*  Please unban me!! please please please  *

ha ha

don't tell ydv that. lol :)



I see the thread is proper now.  What stretched it?  Like I said, I was wondering the same thing myself.  


So it was my gravestone?  Strange.  Oh well, good night, Raging Poodle!  



