Bug-sting Pain Scale

Started by TehBorken, Mar 24 07 07:46

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Frog wrote:
and if at night u had aproched the nest with a pair of womens nylons on a rounded coat hanger slipped it over the nest  then knocked it into the nylons twisting it closed and then dropped it in a bucket of soapy water you would have been stung far less...

 Really? That sounds like a great way to do it.

They dont come out cause of the night or because its colder?

The nylon idea is brilliant..

Only issue I could see is if you cant get at the nest.

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Lil Me

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Frog wrote:
and if at night u had aproched the nest with a pair of womens nylons on a rounded coat hanger slipped it over the nest  then knocked it into the nylons twisting it closed and then dropped it in a bucket of soapy water you would have been stung far less...

 Do you often do this?

A fool's paradise is better than none.


 no not often ...but yes i have done it a couple of times... if you can not reach the nest strong soapy water will kill them... mind you are better to call in a professional for those large jobs... at night it is cooler so they are in the nest keeping it warm... sort of like when you and i sleep... i have been stung far to many times over the years by wasps... and twice by bees first bee sting nearly killed me.. it left me comatose in a ships bunk for a few days... if i had been stung closer to the heart than the ankle it may have killed me .... the ships doctor thought it was the flu... and the nurse was air lifted to a hospital due to her throat swelling shut... considering i was unconscious i was unable to tell them what happened to me... last thing i remember was requesting to be relieved from the helm...
  I'm rambling here... so i am saying good night...

talk to a few others they will tell you the stockings and coat hanger trick is great for  removing small to medium nests... i learned the hard way...

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