US detains 9-year-old Canadian kid

Started by TehBorken, Mar 04 07 01:11

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Thank goodness we're safe from this [a style="color: rgb(0, 0, 191);" href=""]dangerous terrorist[/a], ummm, child. (And no one can figure out why the rest of the world thinks the USA is run by a bunch of complete idiots...)
[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"]AUSTIN, TEX. — Even if you try to look past the eight-metre-high chain-link fence, beyond the scores of uniformed guards patrolling the perimeter and away from the cameras, metal detectors and lasers, there isn't the slightest evidence of children inside the T. Don Hutto Family Detention Center.

No one is playing outside; there are no sounds of laughter. But inside the thick, whitewashed walls of this former maximum-security prison in the heart of Texas are about 170 children — including a nine-year-old Canadian boy named Kevin.

Call it international limbo. Detained by U.S. Customs officials after their flight to Toronto made an unscheduled stop on American soil nearly four weeks ago, Kevin and his Iranian parents, Majid and Masomeh, feel they are being held hostage not only by the physical parameters of Hutto, but by the politics of nationality.

"We can't go home because I am Canadian but my parents are not," Kevin said in a telephone interview with The Globe and Mail — no personal interviews have been granted.
[a href=""]

The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.