Energy minister says Alberta has enough oil to last for centuries

Started by Sportsdude, Mar 08 06 05:41

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EDMONTON (CP) - Alberta has enough oil in its tarsands region to last for hundreds of years, says Energy Minister Greg Melchin.

Albertans and Canadians shouldn't be concerned about Americans draining oil to meet a growing thirst for energy in the United States, the minister said Tuesday. "We have centuries of supplies," Melchin said. "And our policies are built on a lot of trade, the United States being our most valuable customer.

"They're our friends, our allies, and that's been very beneficial for both of us."

Melchin was responding to a report by the Parkland Institute that says increasing demand from the U.S. is putting the oilsands in jeopardy.

The report deals with threats the tarsands face as production is forecast to jump to six million barrels a day from an estimated one million.

"The Americans have become very interested in the tarsands and almost talk about it as though it's their domestic supply, looking at it as a way of replacing Middle Eastern oil," said Parkland's director, Gordon Laxer.

The University of Alberta think tank is calling on Prime Minister Stephen Harper to implement a made-in-Canada strategy to safeguard Canada's energy security.

But Melchin dismissed any suggestion of a new national policy that would influence Alberta's energy export decisions.

"The province has the ownership and stewardship and constitutional authority to develop its resources," said Melchin. "So when we're talking about energy, Alberta has the primary lead on the oil and gas."

However, he said he's not totally dismissing the idea of keeping an eye on Alberta's energy supplies.

"When we look at the long-term energy need for Alberta and for Canada, those are first and paramount," he said. "But we know our resources are so vast and so large."

Environment Minister Guy Boutilier also said there's a need to ensure that Canada's energy needs remain a top priority.

"We want to ensure that we supply the needs of Canadians, but there's a lot of oil to go around based on what we have in the oilsands development area," said Boutilier.

The Parkland report was commissioned a year ago and was prepared with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and the Polaris Institute.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I predict that Supreme Commander Bush will now be forced, FORCED, I say, to invade our oil-rich neighbors to the North. We will liberate you from the tyranny of having a whole lot of readily available oil, and the poor oppressed Canadians will welcome us with roses and dancing in the street, just like they did in Iraq!
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


Woohoo! Saved!! Can I get an AMEN!!?!!!

Alberta does have a bad rep these days. But, there is some good going on in the province too. Alberta is starting to become a wind power friendly province. All of Calgary's transit trains are run off of power from wind ebergy. Towns like Vulcan that are testing other energy smart solutions. The town has a massive solar power project going on. Solar panels transfer energy to heat underground steam turbines. Creating enough energy to power the entire town. (pop. around 1500).[/DIV]Calgary is also considered the cleanest city in the world. [A href=""][/A]


Oh, too late, I'm sorry. We'll be sending a few thousand of these your way any day now. Nothing personal, we just need to invade your country because it's in the way.

[img style="width: 498px; height: 357px;" alt="" src=""]
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


[FONT face="Comic Sans MS"]NEVER FEAR![/FONT][/DIV][FONT face="Comic Sans MS"]CAPTAIN CANUCK IS HERE![/FONT][/DIV][FONT face="Comic Sans MS"][/FONT] [/DIV][A href=""][img alt="Image hosting by TinyPic" src="" border=0][/A][/DIV][FONT face="Comic Sans MS"][/FONT] [/DIV][FONT face="Comic Sans MS"][/FONT]


canada doesn't have hundreds of thousands of years of oil in the sands,they do however have the largest reserves in the world ahead of saudi arabia.

two problems:

it is not light sweet crude or heavy sweet crude (the nice stuff from the middle east)[/DIV]it is tarsand oil and takes enourmous resources and energy to extract (profitable if market can sustain prices to warrant development.

americans are purchasing land titles,this is completely legal.[/DIV]there are foreign ownership ceilings in canada.american capital can't "buy the oil up".

last point...

no iraqi oil is being pumped into american tankers destined to americans ports.[/DIV]all iraqi oil has been administered by the UN since 1991.[/DIV]wells are owned by russians,germans,french,british and a myraid of other foreign firms.still are.

weird al

There's rumors on the internets that O.b.L has been seen skulking around Claresholm.