I was listening to a radio segment this morning about how the latest generation of Americans are the most narcissistic in our history. This is, accoding to the researcher they interviewed, demonstrated by answers to tests they've been giving for decades as well as the rise of myspace pages and the like, and I would argue also by reality TV shows that constantly portray the lives of talentless, superficial shitbreathers as something worth watching. And we sit down and inhale the aroma and clap like a bunch of trained seals.
I think shows like Anna's reinforce the idea that everyone is special; everyone is interesting and can have a TV show created where they can be a star. No. People need to be told as children that very few human beings are actually extraordinary. No, Timmy, you CAN'T do anything you set your mind to. If you work hard and cultivate a good heart, you can make you and your family comortable and spread love in a small circle, but chances are you won't change the world in a significant way and if you manage to get a TV show made where you're the star, chances are it will suck balls.
You are a unique snowflake, just like everybody else.