Year of the Pig - Baby Boom in Asia

Started by Lise, Feb 13 07 02:25

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2007 marks the Year of the Pig and with that cometh the baby boom. Lots of parents are planning or are having babies this year which means there's going to be a strain on the hospitals in parts of Asia. Oh lordy lord!  

  [FONT size=6]Parents pick lucky lunar year for 'piglets'[/FONT]

  [SPAN class=articletext]By Lucy Hornby, Jon Herskovitz and Jang Sera

Beijing/ Seoul- A baby boom is about to hit parts of Asia, as couples try to ensure their newborns get a happy, wealthy life by starting off in the Year of the Pig.

This Chinese lunar new year, which starts on February 18, is believed to be an especially auspicious "golden pig year" which only comes around every 60 years.

South Korea is going a step further, saying it's the best time in 600 years to have a baby due to an anomaly on the Chinese calendar where this pig year - known as "red", the colour of wealth, follows a year with two days to mark the start of spring.

[/DIV][/SPAN][!--pull quote --]  [TABLE cellSpacing=6 cellPadding=0 width=130 align=left border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD class=pullquote]'There will be a lot of precious pigs born this year'[/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE]

[!--pull quote end --][SPAN class=articletext]In China, where most families are allowed only one child, baby-related businesses are bracing for an influx of "piglets".

"The Year of the Pig will certainly be busy. There will be a lot of precious pigs born this year, because of the Chinese superstition that pig babies will have an easy life," said Tian Hua, who manages a nanny sourcing firm in Shanghai.[/SPAN]

[SPAN class=articletext][/SPAN]

 [SPAN class=articletext][FONT size=1]Read more: [/FONT][A href=""][FONT size=1][/FONT][/A]

Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


so who then has the 'hardest' life if the pigs have it easy?  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Nice, so I guess those forced aborition buses in China will need some new summer tires. When will people learn, the west pwns asian.

