
Started by Moolah!, Feb 08 07 01:32

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TheAngel wrote:
maybe there are no practical applications.  CONNECT THAT!!!  
   I'd like to believe there are.

Logic dictates there are.

Nothing in nature evolves without a purpose that's ultimately related to survival.

I'm sure at one point synaestesia saved someone's skin. Or more likely, synaesthetes would move into the picture once the tribe was in too deep shit and the elders couldn't come up with a solution...

Or another possibility is that in all likelihood earliest shamans were synaesthetes themselves since you can see how some synaesthetic experiences can easily overlap with shamanistic practises.

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P.C. wrote:
   A lot of the stuff I'm reading sounds like they are blurring intuitiveness with synaesthesia.  

  That's a VERY good observation.

The way I see it, there's a gradual transition to intuitiveness once you take synaesthesia to its limits.

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The only time I've ever seen anything about it was on a program, where they showed a nifty little demonstration of what they thought synaesthetes see or hear.  It was done by a study in progress of a dozen people who had varying degrees of synaesthesia and the demonstration was put together from information gathered from them.  When studied separately, each person had similar far as tones in relationship to colour and colour from tones.  As less than 4% of the population has it, I imagine it's not the easiest thing to make any conclusions about.

  All I know, is I'd sure like to know more.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


PC was this the post you were looking for, but couldn't find: [img onmousedown=travesmilie(this.src); height=15 src="" width=15]

  [A href=",2600.msg28858.html#msg28858"],2600.msg28858.html#msg28858[/A]    
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Who's a clever boy !!!!  Could be the thread Raging Poodle.  I remembered it as a separate thread, but possibly not.  You are obviously much better at a search than I am.  

  Do you have synaesthesia Raging Poodle.  I don't believe I've ever come across anyone who has.  How cool.  So you're trying to figure out if there are some beneficial or practical ways to use it ?

Have you come up with anything?    
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


purelife wrote:
- Sensual style: By focusing on my hands I can usually tell how a woman wants to be touched, regardless of whether I know her or not.
[HR style="WIDTH: 100%; HEIGHT: 2px"] [SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal"] must be every women's dream. ;)[/SPAN]
 Would you believe that, I feel no urge to act on that knowledge.

Just because I know how they like it, doesn't mean that I'm obligated to give it to them. That's how I feel about this.

I may've been more enthusiastic in my 20s, which is also when I came across with women who'd take full advantage of my skills, and give nothing in return. The more I gave, the more I was exploited...

And I suppose every normal male goes through their Mr. Nice Guy phase during their personal journey. I know some never learn to snap out of it.

  What's in the past, is in the past. Currently I know that one condition has to be met before I can allow the other person to share the benefit of my experience:

A sense of gratitude.

I have to feel a sense of gratitude for something they've done for me. You wouldn't believe the difference a sense of gratitude makes in one's perception, as well as in manifestation of reality.

It's also a key element I use in my healing work.

Once she gives me a sense of gratitude, I can heal her.

Gratitude is contagious.

Once I can feel it, I can pass it back on to her. And with gratitude as our catalyst, you start witnessing "miracles".

  (Ignore if what I'm saying sounds corny.)        
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^ For those with one track minds: A sense of gratitude can be induced in more ways than one.    
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BTW I'm not the only genius who came up with this "sense of gratitude" stuff... It's a well known practise coming from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.

I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who's worked with it.

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LOL! Thanks Miss Angel.. Im the spaceboy on top directing everyone? ;)

        After being in the job that Im in and working closely with alot of different people from different parts of the world I tend to be able to read alot of people. I can tell instinctively after meeting someone if they are trustworthy and an inclincling of how they are. Just seemed to have developed a sixth sence like that over time.. course Ive talked about this with other friends of mine that work in the same industry and they say they have soemthing like that as well.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


I think there could be some Raging Poodle made off synaesthesia, if you know how to use it.

for example, being an interior designer & a synaesthete together, wouldn't be such a bad thing. :)


I'm thinking it might be noisy working with all those colours. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


lol :)

I may be off topic now, but I've noticed that some people appear to be more distracted by 'background' noise than others.  What's that all about?



That's true for me.  I'm not sure I would call it a distraction, but I can't hear someone sitting right next to me if there is background noise. *well, I guess that is a distraction, isn't it.  I think of it more as interrupted
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


TheAngel wrote:
I think there could be some Raging Poodle made off synaesthesia, if you know how to use it.

for example, being an interior designer & a synaesthete together, wouldn't be such a bad thing. :)

 I bet that'll be [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]est fag one can ever meet.  


 And PC, that was a funny thought... just when I was about to give up on you, you've restored my faith. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]



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