Orik wrote:
Prayers, well wishes and good thoughts are with you you from this side.. Be at peace Natasha I am sure all will go well without a a single problem, things may take a little longer than normal Since most Doctors offices, Hospitals and Dentists seem to do things at there own time which usually leave's us nervous folks pacing back and forth chewing our fingernails down to the quick...
Thank you, Orik. Yeah, my fingernails are almost gone and it's not even the day of the procedure yet. I haven't bitten my fingernails in over 10yrs. After tomorrow I can let them grow back again 
I do not know about you Natasha but if you have a friend to drive you to your procedure and to pick you up afterwards you may want to take the Valium Like I did, I opt to take the Valium before hand...
I do have a friend going with me.... Valium or not. I'm too scared to go alone. They are even going to be in the room with me holding my hand.
It depends on the Valium Type taken for how much it will sedate you and how much of a calming effect it will have. If I were you I would call the Doctor or Dentist and ask them about taking some form of Valium before the procedure if you are that nervous.
It's only a .5mg Valium. So it's not too bad. My Dr told me it would make me loopy and loose. She said I should take as soon as I get to the clinic this way by the time I get called back, the medicine would have kicked in. She also said I should be certain to tell my other Dr I have taken it. But as I told D, I'm soooo worrysome when it comes to taking new meds. I hate the idea of trying something new while having something important done to me. I tend to like Ativan which seems to be the best for me i find that it takes the edge off but it leaves me fully functional just more relaxed and a bit slower on the reflexes. I take a 2 milligram dosage of Ativan before having my teeth worked on, it looks like a small dosage but it is plenty powerful because it works fine for me.
I've never taken Ativan either. When I have dental work done I usually don't take anything beforehand. I get the normal numbing medication and my dentist will give me Loratabs afterwards...which I never take. That would be a new medication for me so I try to deal with the pain on my own. Most of the time, I just pass out from sheer tiredness after being in all the pain. Once I wake up, I'm fine.
Others may need to take a smaller or larger dosage depending on there fear levels and how much sedation is needed to settle that persons nerves. Since I am very claustrophobic about being confined and those dentist chairs makes me feel very confined.
I totally know how you feel. I hate being in closed room. A Drs office room is even worse! Some times I open up the door, I'll stand in the doorway or go the restroom just so I walk and be somewhere other than that small room. I downloaded games on my cell phone too. That helps occupy my mind. I'll send texts, anything to do keep me from noticing how small the room is...the people talking outside...everyone ELSE comming and going. Whenn I went for my first procedure I was back there almost 1.5hrs. And what really sucks is that particular Dr doesn't allow cell phones to be on *sigh* that only makes it harder for me to keep myself calm. Meditation and deep breathing helps alot but honestly after being closed off from everyone in a small room for 1.5hrs...I just wanna get out of there! Plus my procedure isn't a normal thing like dental can be soooo I'm scared of what could happen.. especially afterwards, you know, uncontrolled bleeding, infection..that type of thing. I take some Ativan before hand since it relaxes me enough, that I am not going to remove the dentists fingers by accident.
lol I think some denists deserve it. So far in the past 10 years of taking the Valium prior to my dental work being done, has worked just fine, the dentist kept all there fingers & I never freaked out at the dentists office.
[FONT size=5][SPAN style="COLOR: rgb(192,0,0); FONT-WEIGHT: bold"]Warning![/SPAN][/FONT]
Before taking any sort of medication discuss it before hand with your Dentist or Physician that way you and your Dentist or Physician are fully aware of any potential side effects.
[FONT size=5][SPAN style="COLOR: rgb(192,0,0); FONT-WEIGHT: bold"]Warning![/SPAN][/FONT]
Taking Medication without your dentists or physician approval before hand could have serious interactions to other medications which could be life threatening. Mixing medications can have adverse side effects & risks..
^that worries me too...lol I guess I'll decide tomorrow what route to take. Either way I pray the out come will be a blessing. Thanks Orik