The "I have nothing Interesting to Say" Thread

Started by Lise, Feb 06 07 02:40

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Not very long. I was alone, the elevator wouldn't go to the floor I wanted and stopped at the one ab ve - from there the doors kept opening and shutting but never wide enough for me to get out until about five minutes  after it had stopped.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


Aw jeez.  Now that wouldn't have worked for me at all.  Elevators are right up there with flying.  I have liftaphobia.  

Too bad you weren't stuck there with a gorgeous sexy adventurous woman.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Hey gopher! Quick! PC is volunteering!  
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims

Lil Me

LOL on the "smells like Langley".

More (mis)adventures with Russ.  I think Russ would be a great re-occurring character at Possum Lodge.

  Hope the very ambitious P.C. Project went well.

  Glad to know you were safe, Goph?  My dad got stuck in an elevator last month.  After about an hour, he reported that "the air was getting a bit thin".      
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


I didn't know the Beach Boys kept releasing albums... Surprised people could still stomach the depressing music? lol

One of the biggest 'indie bands' from Seattle the last couple of years is Fleet Foxes. Basically they're a Beach Boys redux with just one singer w/background aaaah aaaaah aaaAAaaaah vocals.

[a href=""][/a]

[a href=""][/a]
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Beach Boys depressing ?  No way.    
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Totally. The imagery I get is being dizzy lost and in a total state of confusion. Only Brian Wilson could write those songs in his fragile state of mind in the 60s.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


  They sang about cars, surfing, summer and romance.  Which one of those are you finding depressing.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I've just mended a pair of trousers.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


I think some of you may enjoy this website where you can do fun stuff with your photos.  I'm having lots of fun!



Post- Good Vibrations era.
That's what I meant by depressing and not knowing that they kept producing albums. I remember Still Cruisin' as a kid but I assumed it was a reunion tour type album of sorts.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Very long winded nothing to say this time hahaha

I busted my camera :( I won't be able to get any good picture's So my normal pleasure in fall and the magnificent colours found in the tree's is going to go unrecorded this year... Sighs I never even got a chance to show off my new camera ( second hand new) I dropped it and it broke, now the battery wont stay in ( it no longer locks in to place to be ejected but just sits loosely..

Now that the battery wont lock in place and it no longer turns on  I thought okay maybe the ac cord will still work to power it.. Wrong nothing their either.. it wont charge or turn on the red light when plugged in to the ac power :( grrr stupid elctronics it just had to hit edge on, worse yet it was only a 3 foot drop onto a carpeted floor worse yet the week before my Samsung got damaged in a fall off my bicycle handle bars and it trashed the lens . My neighbor dug oput his camera and loaned me his Pentax but it has a grey lcd and wont show any image, he's stumped and so am I. We figure it's broken too. This is a very bad month for cameras it seems..

secondary problem the kodak image card wont read on my computer it tells me I have to format it but if I do that I will lose the few dozen photos that are on it... waaaaaaaaa

Now I still have my very old, very cheap Fuji Film Camera  the one with the focous issues sometimes it takes pics in focus and some times it doesn't, LOL .. How ever 1 little problem before I can use it I can not find the 64 MB SmartMedia card          that I used with it. this stupid stupid mess of mine is hiding it someware providing  I didnt accidentaly throw it away.. But even on the highest settings I could only take 64 pictures with it @ 1.3 mega pixels 125 ISO compared to the Samsung @ 5 Mega pixels 400 ISO,  this thing is ancient and compared to the kodak I had for 1 week @ 10 mega pixels 3200 ISO  this fuji film camera is a dinosaur.. can I safely pull out my hair in frustration with out you lot thinking I am crazy ?

and to top off my month of September I tore my new jogging pants (less than one month old) they caught a bur on the seat or something, I am not exactly sure  what but I tore them from crotch to knee, thank goodness I was wearing underpants and not commando that day. Otherwise I could have been arrested for indecent exposure however being in the DTES  it was not that unusual of a site.

I myself have seen stranger things.Such as the Guy wearing a Armani suite, socks with suspenders, black leather dress shoes, carrying a lawyers brief case. The kicker of his outfit was he had no pants on, just his purple thong underpants.. Apparently some hooker had rolled him for his pant's. lol..  Needless to say he had a very cool walk back to his car or office and I had a very breezy ride home, not to mention very embarrassed warm red cheeks up top and cold red cheeks below lol ...

shakes fist angrily  waves a wand and sends a spell of bad karma on the persons who make such shoddy, cheap, trousers and other clothing articles..

why are clothing garments being made out of cheaper and cheaper material. I remember a few years ago a pair of pants from the big and tall would last me 2 to 3 years. now i am lucky if they last 2 to 3 months before they fade or colours run or they rip or tear.. worthless garments I am so angry and I have no other places to shop top show my displeasure at their crappy quality and their horrible customer service..

Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


A fool's paradise is better than none.


I am not at all pleased with my new pair of glasses.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


 how did you break your cell phone gopher ? and why do you not like your new glasses ?
Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.
