greetings fellow netizens way to complicated to understand agregating coka cola surfacing brooms mops bears facials.. oh my...
any ways its hump day, happy hump day to those now on a Monday - Friday 9 to 5 shifts like me... oh did i mention i have returned to work full time... alarms sounding time for me to go. or i will be late.
is it spelled hump day 2 words or should it be humpday 1 word ?
my health is almost 100 percent. just minor fatigue and the occasional issue of insomnia raising its uncivilized head... no choice but to return to work early even if it does put unneeded stress on my life...
my work insurance agent disavowed my medical claim stating that since my liver is fine i should be fine... i guess they never heard of secondary problems arising from the primary problems ie fatigue insomnia.. those that need to be settled to return to a normal life

no real appeals process
i can not live on welfare. 610 dollars per month only pays my rent. it wont pay my bills or buy me food. so i am enforced to return to work 1 month b4 i had planned on with my spetgwpdt... but beggars can not be choosers my company / employer is understanding on my health issues and alows me to do my duties as i can. with minor modification in them to match my current health..
today is my 3rd shift. i have got to hit the shower. make some tea and then be out the door..
c yah all l8r providing i survive the morning commute of incensed drivers of coffins on wheels who fail to c cyclists the size of a wale