Well, it's out. Will you switch to Microsoft's new program?
[H3][FONT size=6]Microsoft catches up with Vista... but will it sell?

[/FONT][/H3] [P class=timeStamp]Updated Mon. Jan. 29 2007 6:54 AM ET
[P class=storyAttributes]Philip Stavrou, CTV.ca News
It took five years, $6 billion and 8,000 workers for Microsoft to develop their new 'Vista' operating system, but if you're smart you won't buy it -- right away that is.
That's because, as most security experts will confirm, the giant that is Microsoft has become a favourite target of hackers. And, despite the emphasis placed on making Vista secure, online troublemakers will be working furiously to find holes.
In fact, only 10 per cent of the market is expected to adopt the new operating system immediately -- meaning 90 per cent won't even touch the product until it has been tested on the open market.
"Most security experts, myself included, would advise people to wait to see the impact of Vista launching," Digital Journal Editor-in-Chief Chris Hogg told CTV.ca.
"Microsoft owns 90 per cent of the operating system market and when you're big, you're a target... just by installing it you are going to be putting yourself in front of the firing squad that's going to be going after Microsoft."
[A href="vny!://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20070124/micro_vista_070124/20070129/"][FONT size=1]vny!://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20070124/micro_vista_070124/20070129/[/FONT][/A]