The Human Zoo

Started by Lise, Jan 08 07 04:54

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I kid you not! A special event held at the Adelaide Zoo will bring focus on what's it is like to live like a zoo animal. Wouldn't that be interesting to go and see?

   [H1]Humans ape nature at Adelaide Zoo[/H1] [SPAN class=updated][FONT size=1]Last Update: Tuesday, January 2, 2007. 4:42pm (AEDT)[/FONT][/SPAN]

 [DIV id=storystyles] [P class=wallacepara]The launch of the Human Zoo exhibit at the Adelaide Zoo has blurred the line between human and ape.

 [P class=wallacepara]Six people are being locked up in the old orang-outang enclosure during opening hours for a week.

 [P class=wallacepara]Over the next month, 24 people will act as though they are animals on display.

 [P class=wallacepara]A great ape expert and psychology lecturer Carla Litchfield will spend the four weeks studying their behaviour.

 [P class=wallacepara]"Part of what I do at the zoo is to come up with activities for great apes and other animals, to stimulate them behaviourally and keep their brains occupied," she said.

 [P class=wallacepara]"I never know what it feels like, so a month in there will give me a good idea of the smells and sounds and what it's like to be stared at by thousands of people every day."

 [P class=wallacepara]The exercise also aims to raise money for conservation and a new enclosure for primates at the Monarto Zoo.

 [P class=wallacepara][A href=""][FONT size=1][/FONT][/A]

 [P class=wallacepara]See pictures of past zoo experience from the London Zoo:

 [P class=wallacepara][A href=",94,EV.html"][FONT size=1],94,EV.html[/FONT][/A]

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Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


I heard about that on the news yesterday too, Lise.  I'm not sure how much they can compare this experience to that of a caged animal.......these people go HOME every night.  

 LOOK at that FACE !!!!!  Poor lil guy.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I think it would be fun. Be put in a cage and act like an animal...

  Has anyone seen any monkeys or gorillas? In real life? I saw some in cages in Congo and in Cameroun when I was in those countries. The gorilla's I saw were males and females, younger ones. The males were very VERY dominant and pushed the female gorillas around. literally. You could go up to them and touch them and stuff. They were in a fenced off yard surrounded by other yards.. it was something like a zoo.

The monkeys I saw in cages were outside of Douala in Cameroun, actually in Kribi thinking about it. They would scream (amazingly human sounding) and hiss at you! And believe me it wasnt a friendly hiss. If you got too close they would either throw their feces at you or grab you in a vise-like grip and then grab some feces and try to smear it on you.    
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


  I think it would be fun. Be put in a cage and act like an animal...

  lol.......That's what camping's for Russ. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I LOVE that xmas tree carrying anime PC! Thats awesome!

  Uh, camping is for grabing people and throwing feces at them? I LIKE your style of camping PC.. dont think I could do it though. :) (hehe)      
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


No no no.....silly goose.....just this part

  I think it would be fun. Be put in a cage and act like an animal...

*Yea....he's a cool little guy/gal
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


ohhh...i wanna see them breed!


I wanna see kingy running around naked and breeding in a cage!
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


i wanna run around naked breeding in a cage!


rofl kingy.

yer far too cute.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I think it is a great experiment but a month stay is too short.  Try a lifetime  - or don't tell the humans when they will get out.  See how long it  would take to see the humans become depressed and outraged at each other and the viewers.  


Yes, but thats why they arent doing it. This is to raise money for bigger cages and to attract more people. While I would go see your way, it would scare people away from teh zoo permanently, lol.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


There are enough people in the world already acting like animals and they seem to get by o.k. without cages.
A fool's paradise is better than none.