How many of you here have fled from DV?

Started by Good Times, Feb 07 06 02:07

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Are you a DV refugee?

Huh, what's a "DVer"?



oura is Teh Lozer!!!
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


haha nice going looks like you've got the place secure.


Imsayin wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]haha nice going looks like you've got the place secure.[/div]
I never say 'never' but I think most of the lame-o tricks losers like him will try have little or no effect.
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


TehBorken wrote:
Imsayin wrote:
[DIV style="FONT-STYLE: italic"]haha nice going looks like you've got the place secure.[/DIV]
I never say 'never' but I think most of the lame-o tricks losers like him will try have little or no effect.

Okay, cool...that's reassuring. Because now that you've made him look like a complete amateur and FOOL, I would guess his natural response would be to get angry and try to fire back with some new "trick" up his sleeve.

Keep up the good work...[img onmouseover="'#C6D3EF';'1px solid #3169C6'; " style="BORDER-RIGHT: #3169c6 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #3169c6 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #3169c6 1px solid; CURSOR: pointer; BORDER-BOTTOM: #3169c6 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c6d3ef" onclick="InsertImage('/forums/richedit/smileys/Other/6.gif');" onmouseout="'';''" src="" align=absMiddle]



Regards,Naughty Priest [embed src="" height="5" width="5"]


oura wrote:
Regards,Naughty Priest

LOL, ya got me. I thank you for helping me to harden the forum. :)
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


And that's why I say 'never say never'.

The keywords used to do this spoof are now blocked. :)
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.

Naughty Priest


Naughty Priest wrote:
it was only the beginning...

Like I said, if you become too annoying I'll just switch the forum back to using BB Code in the post form.
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.

Good Times

Hey Priestie... forget DS, can you get me root access on DV?

For the botards running that place I have some choice words that even YOU would approve!  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]

Good Times

tenkani wrote:
"On a related note, if my views were not realistic I wouldn't be receiving 10 negative karma points (from the spineless apologists who've fled here) every time I post my views."[/DIV][/DIV] [/DIV]I don't follow that logic. Anyway, not that it really matters, but I've never given you a smite. Having an unpopular opinion is not a crime IMO.[/DIV]
I never meant to insinuate that it was you, that's why I used the third person plural.

In another thread I wrote the following which directly applies to what we're discussing above. Perhaps that'll explain the logic and connection between my DV observations and sudden rise in my negative karma score.

[/DIV] Must be my views on DV, because it was all quiet until I started expressing my views. That's exactly when they started frantically hacking away at the smite link.

I figured since there's no delete key at their disposal here, that's how they're substituting for their neurotic requirements. After all, old habits die hard. But I shall not be silenced here, ha!  [img]" border=0 ="url(this.src);"]

And of course the amusing question is: If they love DV so much that they can't bear the sight of my openly talking about all the dysfunctionality in that place, then what the heck are they doing here as registered members?
So there. If this message was posted on DV, it would've loooong been deleted. "Don't you dare criticize us."


GT....I think that the people who are logging in as guests are unable to use the bless/smite function.  I was thinking the same thing when I noticed my little pile of smite growing too ???[/DIV]It's a mystery I tell ya !
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.

Good Times

P.C. wrote:
GT....I think that the people who are logging in as guests are unable to use the bless/smite function.

True. However there's a trick around that hurdle: They can register, but never post.

So essentially that becomes a [FONT color=#0080ff]registered troll account[/FONT], used for the sole purpose of smiting.

When you don't post, no one can smite (or bless) you back. So they're even protected from a possible "retaliation" should their identity be discovered.

Win-win situation, provided sitting in front of the computer and hitting the smite link every hour is all they want to do in life.  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]


Maybe the admin could remove accounts that register but never post (after a suitable waiting period). It wouldn't stop the problem but it would slow it down.

Or, registered users can just go around handing out some blessings once in a while. The trolls would then be fighting a losing battle.


Want to fix the problem. Have a column in search that lists all of the members that way you don't have to look them up.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."
