[span id="nointelliTXT"][span class="postbody"]Nobody loves a goodconspiracy theory more than me, but I'm afraid you people are justblowing smoke this time. You would be so bored by the moderator's forumyou'd exit quick. Someone references a post, or topic, and says whyhe/she thinks it merits a warning/advisory, removal, etc, and othermoderators chime in with their two cents worth, and a consensus isreached. No one is out to "get" anyone. This site was created for us toenjoy, but we ourselves are destroying it.
- from [a href="vny!://www.wrongplanet.net/asperger.html?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=11704"]another forum[/a].
I thought it was neat how the mods got together in a private forum to discuss deleting contentious threads. lol.