I think I'm Bi-polar.....

Started by Sportsdude, Mar 01 06 11:19

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Sportsdude wrote:
[span style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;"] The problem is that was before my problem's started to snowball and now I'm to ashamed to go. [/span]

Never feel ashamed of needing help. You are a good person and have so much to offer. Keep fighting!


Well one thing I keep telling my parents I'm a bull dog. You have to have a strong mental make up to go through the mental stuff I've gone through.  I keep telling them not to worry about me because I know what I'm doing I know whats a dream and whats reality.  Some people in my situation can't see that and sadly they've passed.  My greatest assest is me and my greatest fault is myself. Its a constant battle, I've had to grow up quickly because of it.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Sportsdude.....if NOTHING else, I'd SO want you to get over feeling ashamed.  There IS no shame in something that could be as simple (?) as a chemical imbalance that you have no control over.  

primefactor, I didn't get from your comments that you were in any way suggesting it was as simple as 'shaking it off'.  It's pretty clear you're much more intelligent than that.  Your belief that one must do SOMETHING to act, is bang on.  But I believe you need to at least establish if it's psychological or chemical, because that is the deciding factor that would allow one to take those  healing steps.

Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


P.C. wrote:
[span style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;"]you need to at least establish if it's psychological or chemical[/span]

Absolutely. I'm not a run-for-the-pharmacy kind of gal, but if medication helps keep a person's head out of the oven long enough for them to implement real change, it's a good plan!

Try everything that might work.

Go, team!


(had some troubles logging in ????)

We're talking the same language primefactor.....no running to the pharmacist for me either.

I sometimes think I've got all kinds of good advice...lol, but really, I know this is bigger than I know.

"Try everything that might work".....agreed...but start with someone who knows what they're dealing with.

sportsdude....get on it hun....don't quit until you find someone who will listen.  You have our support, but we're basically armchair psychologists.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


[FONT face=Verdana size=2]Theres been alot of good advice given already. Sportsdude, you mentioned that no doctor is willing to help(which im pretty shocked at). I think one of the first things to do is find one that will. Finding someone to talk, like a counsellor, is another step in the positive direction. Theyll both help with the chemical(if it even is chemical) and emotial sides of things respectively.[/FONT][/DIV][FONT face=Verdana size=2][/FONT] [/DIV][FONT face=Verdana size=2]You also said youve been feeling pretty apathetic lately. I think you should ask yourself, what am i interested in? What do i really enjoy doing, or what do i really want to do? [/FONT][/DIV][FONT face=Verdana size=2][/FONT] [/DIV][FONT face=Verdana size=2]Sounds like you just dont know what you want to do? Maybe take some time off for a little vacation to some far off exotic location, to see the world and self-reflect? [/FONT][/DIV][FONT face=Verdana size=2][/FONT] [/DIV][FONT face=Verdana size=2]I hope things work out for you [/FONT]


no doctors are willing they just don't believe me or say you aren't bi-polar because I don't come clean because if I do I'm afraid I will be sent to a mental hospital (which almost happend to me when this one doctor said he could help me and led me to another doctor). So from then on I've kept quiet and have kept things in only to let loose every once in a while after the pressure has boiled over.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."
