Useful turn off lines

Started by Gopher, Nov 30 06 11:30

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 P.C. wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]Is that a bottle of Windex in your pocket ? because I can see myself in your pants.[/div]

Just lick a finger, then touch it to them and then yourself, then say "How about we go back to my place and get out of these wet clothes?".
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


Ohh! I see we have switched from turn down lines to pick up lines, I see a few that I have used.

  <notepad out and waiting for new ones>
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Back to turn-downs.  

  Thanks, but our building doesn't allow pets.
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


Halloween is over.  


"Excuse me, Miss, may I examine your vagina?"

or to a man from a woman:

"Do a girl's bathing habits really matter to you?"

(There isn't much that a woman can say to most men to turn them off. Most men would have sex with a fire hydrant if it was possible.)
one must be intelligent to get intelligent answers.
— bebu


A friend of mine actaully said this once when he was playing wingman for me and was unhappy with the girl he ended up with.

  After several minutes of chatting with these two girls the introductions started.  When it came to my friend, he says, "My name is John Smith (used actual name), have you heard of me?"

  They said no.  He replies, "Thats weird, I just moved to the area and I thought they were supposed to alert the community when a sex offender moves in"

  The girl I was talking to realized he was kidding and actually thought it was funny but her friend did not and we both ended up leaving without the girl but laughing all the way home.


Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


OMG Raver!  That's F*Cking HILARIOUS!  LOL LOL!