NO, I didn't register

Started by Bumbling Bee, Nov 11 06 02:34

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Jolly Green Giant

TehBorken wrote:
Them wrote:

Why not allow him to continue to post? We've grown fond of the whiny little shit. As long as he posts in "openglopish", that would be ok.

Don't worry, I'm not going to f*ck over the entire rest of the forum just for that nimrod.

F*ck over the entire rest of the forum ? Honestly, there are already far too many a**holes on this forum. Just look at yourselves. Do you people actually believe you are better than anyone else (me in particular) because you use insults to describe me ?

You people just love to look as though you had some power of decision over someone else's life, don't you ?

poor little me

shutup jolly green asswipe.

you're just a stupid little f*cker who loves to complain, wah wah wah.  no one cares about your pussy-assed lamer feelings so just shut your stupid face.

oooh poor meeeeeeee, lookit someone "stole" my unregisterred nickname, wah wah wah, o the drama, feel sorry for me, boooooo hoooo poor little me.  o life is so unfair, why does everyone hate me, why is the world out to get me, wah wah wah.

Jolly Green Giant

I confess, I am an a**hole, but who can blame me ?  I'm ignorant, putrid, petty and worthless. You people would be a**holes like me if you had the same kind of empty meaningless life that I do. I'm reduced to squabbling over a nickname that isn't even mine, so please take pity on me, okay ?


Jolly Green Giant wrote:
I confess, I am an a**hole, but who can blame me ?  I'm ignorant, putrid, petty and worthless.   I sense an imposter.
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.

Not the Jolly Green Giant

Jolly Green Giant wrote:
You people just love to look as though you had some power of decision over someone else's life, don't you ?


 You really care what we think, don't you? Odd that we haven't gotten round to returning the favour.


also not JGG

"Jolly Green Giant"

 1) He's not jolly. He's not even funny.

2) He is green- but only with envy.

3) He's definitely a giant.... a giant a**hole.

  Go away JGG, all you've done is manage to make everyone hate you. I can't believe that tehborken hasn't banned you. He certainly has more patience with you than I ever would have had. If I ran this forum I'd have banned your annoying little ass a long time ago.

puh puh

Puh puh puh, puh puh-puh puh puhpuh. Puh, puhpuh puh puh, puhpuh puh puh puhpuhpuh puh puh. Puh puh, puh puh puh puh, puh puh-puh puhpuh.

  Puh puh puh puh puh, puh puh puh puh puh puh puh puhpuh.

  So there.

Suddy Poteet

Gunta is just as boring here as he is on DV. Such a weak mind.


He MIGHT have had something to say.....I just don't know what it was.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Suddy Poteet wrote:
Gunta is just as boring here as he is on DV. Such a weak mind.

I am not "Gunta", is that's what you are implying.

Nice nick. What does it mean ? How did you come by it ?

JGG (formerly known as Jolly Green Giant and Mutilated Mind, having been, to all practical intents and purposes, stolen)
