Red meat link to cancer in women

Started by Lise, Nov 14 06 12:31

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Alrighty. Yet another food that we (at least the women) have to watch out for.

   [DIV class=sh][FONT color=#ff4040 size=5]Red meat link to breast cancers [/FONT]

[DIV class=sh][FONT size=5][FONT size=3]Eating large amounts of red meat may double young women's breast cancer risk, a study suggests.[/FONT] [/FONT]

[DIV class=sh][FONT size=2][/FONT] [/DIV]

 US researchers writing in Archives of Internal Medicine looked at over 90,000 pre-menopausal women.  Having one-and-a-half servings of red meat per day almost doubled the risk of hormone receptor-positive breast cancer compared to three or fewer per week.  UK cancer experts said animals in the UK were not given growth hormones which are used for US animals.

 US researchers writing in Archives of Internal Medicine looked at over 90,000 pre-menopausal women.

 Having one-and-a-half servings of red meat per day almost doubled the risk of hormone receptor-positive breast cancer compared to three or fewer per week.  UK cancer experts said animals in the UK were not given growth hormones which are used for US animals.

 [FONT size=1]Read more: [/FONT][A href=""][FONT size=1][/FONT][/A]

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Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.

G. Simmons

Now, that's a surprise. I would have thought that red meat is healthy, what with its high concentrations of pesticides, antibiotics, and fecal matter.


Wow. Is this propaganda aimed at reducing the birth rate?
A fool's paradise is better than none.


What a waste of money on such a study.  Firstly, it would have been far less money to do a study to see how many women actually EAT one and a half servings of red meat PER DAY. over.

  I'd like just for once, for these guys to name 5 foods that DON'T cause cancer.  Surely they must be running out by now.  

  Being as they have established that everything we touch, eat, breathe and drink causes cancer, why not quit wasting money on finding more......spend it on studies to FIX it.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I'm convinced that being exposed to too many surveys causes cancer.  That must be about the only thing they haven't studied yet.
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


Exactly, PC. They should concentrate on the cure, not these damnable surveys. As if they didn't know this already.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Everything is OK in moderation. As long as it doesnt become a regular thing like every day it should be ok.

  They say the same about smoking... case and point. My Grandmother on my dad's side is 94 as of June, and smokes a cigarette a day. Has since she was 12 or so she says. Doctors for her say shes going to pass away from other complications not related to smoking.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


I'm thinking injections cause cancer.  The only common denominator that all these tests have is they're always injecting, injecting, injecting.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.