We're number 1! In being dead last for health care, that is.
[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"][h4]The United States ranks last on a global health care survey of more than 6000 doctors[/h4] Compared to other developed countries, the United States fails to compete when it comes to the availability of after hours health care. In a study released yesterday, the US ranked last out of 7 countries when it came to primary care after hours, with only 40% of United States doctors offering after hours consultations. [/p] It is not hard to illistrate how far down the ladder the US is when it comes to health care availability after hours, the numbers speak for themselves. When it comes to after hour doctor availability without having to turn to the emergency room, the following list says it all: 95 percent in the Netherlands, 90 percent in New Zealand, 87 percent in the United Kingdom, 76 percent in Germany, 47
percent in Canada and 40 percent in the US.[/p] "Although the U.S. pays more for health care than any other country, we are under-investing in our primary care system," stated Karen Davis, president of the Commonwealth Fund, the foundation that sponsored the survey. "Other countries have made high-quality primary care a priority by putting into place the financial and technical systems that support access to, and delivery of, such care."[/p] Source: Washington Post[/p]