MS Vista: You aren't allowed to fix anything

Started by TehBorken, Oct 19 06 10:33

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 If Ford or Chevrolet told you that you weren't allowed to fix a problem with the car you just bought, would you buy one? Of course not. But that's part of the "agreement" you're forced into accepting if you want to run Micrsoft Vista. Just another good reason not to "upgrade" to Microsoft's newest virus magnet.
[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"][h3]Vista licence: Microsoft's abusive relationship with you
[/h3] Wendy Seltzer of the Chilling Effects project has done a comprehensive roundup of the unfair and undesirable language in the new Windows Vista license -- all the abusive crap you "agree" to when you give Microsoft your money. Upgrading to Vista is the start of an abusive relationship that could last for years. [blockquote]4. Problem-solving prohibited. "You may not work around any technical limitations in the software." Microsoft might be referring to anticircumvention of technical protection measures here, but since it's often hard to tell the difference, from the user's perspective, between a TPM and a bug, this reads as a prohibition on user debugging and problem-solving. After all, down-rezzing, HD content or refusing to allow users to copy quotes from an e-book don't strike most people as wanted features. Can you work around a document's failure to save properly? [/blockquote]  [a href=""]Link[/a]    
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


If You Believe In The Will Of God, The Will Of Satan Will Never Destroy Thee.


There will be no need to fix anything.  As you know Microsoft products are shipped bug free!

  If you should encounter some gaping security hole, Microsoft will deny its existance until the next "update"