What a bunch of a**holes. This is another step is the quest to Make Sure Everything Is Owned, so that you can be forced to Pay Someone For It.
[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"] [h3]Panicked chefs propose copyrighted food
[/h3] Megnut food blog points to a moral panic among chefs reacting to plagiarism of their recipes and presentation -- cooks who propose that they should be able to copyright food. Not that they should have a remedy for plagiarism, but that ways of preparing food should be owned, frozen in amber, usable only with permission: [blockquote] [a href="vny!://www.foodandwine.com/articles/new-era-of-the-recipe-burglar"]Food and Wine[/a]: "Shaw told me he hoped to convene a summit meeting with some of the smartest people in the food world to hammer out a workable model for copyrighting food. First, he'd propose changing the copyright code, possibly by making cuisine a subdivision of the existing category for sculpture or acknowledging recipes as a form of literary expression. For enforcement, Shaw leans toward creating a system like ASCAP, an association that collects composers' royalties for public performances of songs—on the radio, in nightclubs and so on..." Megnut: "The culinary world at its best is a world of craft and art. A fine meal is a performance, not a soulless assemblage of ingredients. I feel good when I eat Grant Achatz's "Hot Potato" at Alinea. I don't want to eat "Hot Potato™ by Grant Achatz" rotely created at some food counter in the airport. Clearly there are issues with how chefs get rewarded for their creativity and effort, and I would love to see the best get the recognition they deserve. But bringing the lawyers in? I don't see how that benefits chefs in the long run, or diners, or amateur cooks. In the end, I suspect the ultimate beneficiaries would be the same people who always win. As we get ensnared in the webbing of our increasingly-complex legal system, the ones who always make the most money are the lawyers." [/p][/blockquote] [a href="vny!://www.megnut.com/2006/10/keep-recipes-free"]Link[/a]