Mutilated Mind

Started by Mutilated Mind, Oct 04 06 03:48

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 Mutilated Mind wrote:
The problem is, my nick obviously was pseudo-jacked just for the sake of insulting me.

Of course it was, but that's really beside the point, isn't it? You yourself recognize it's a problem, and it's within your power to put a stop to it. If you're unwilling to do that don't be surprised if other "Mutilated Mind" posters show up to harass you and trash your name.

it's obvious to anyone with half a brain (even a fourth) that this is not the real owner of the nick ridiculing and making fun of himself.

Well, no, it's not always obvious, and that's the problem. It may be obvious to you, but probably not to everyone else. I mean, really- how are we supposed to know if it's really you or not? Seriously. How are we supposed to tell?

Out in the streets they would gang up on you, here on a messageboard they will use their anonymity.
That's teh way teh intarweb works, for better or worse. In this particular case you have the power to stop it.
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.

Mutilated Mind

TehBorken, I also wrote "So, I wouldn't even feel it's worth your while to reply to them at all" which actually answers your latest post but you chose to ignore that.

Besides, I have a strong feeling that the person who hijacked my nick is none other than one of the regulars here, as will likely be other nickjackers. The simple fact of "purelife" airily responding to the nickjacker as if she actually believed it was me, and not having anything to say after the truth appeared, confirms my feeling.

So, why should I let myself be forced into registering ? I prefer to post just for those who do read what I have to say, whatever the little core of regulars who think they "are" this forum think about it. Their replies in most cases are fake anyway.


  Mutilated Mind wrote:
TehBorken, I also wrote "So, I wouldn't even feel it's worth your while to reply to them at all" which actually answers your latest post but you chose to ignore that.

Whatever, all I'm saying is that without a registered nick anyone can use the name "Mutilated Mind" and that people may not be able to tell the difference between you and the imposter(s). Nothing more, nothing less- that's the only point I'm trying to make. I really don't see why that's so hard to understand.

Besides, I have a strong feeling that the person who hijacked my nick is none other than one of the regulars here, as will likely be other nickjackers. The simple fact of "purelife" airily responding to the nickjacker as if she actually believed it was me, and not having anything to say after the truth appeared, confirms my feeling.

You can suspect or believe whatever you want but I certainly wouldn't consider that "confirmation". If anything it reinforces my point: that without a registered nick, people can't tell if it's you or a nickjacker.

So, why should I let myself be forced into registering ?

Whoah, get a grip, dude- no one is trying to "force" you to do anything. I don't care if you register or not. Really. All I'm saying (for the unpteenth time) is that without a registered nick, people can't tell if it's you or not.

If you don't register then you can hardly complain if someone does use "your" nickname, because you have the ability to prevent it, okay?  

I prefer to post just for those who do read what I have to say, whatever the little core of regulars who think they "are" this forum think about it. Their replies in most cases are fake anyway.

Whatever. But please don't have a fit or chastise people for responding to someone who posts using "your" name. It's not really "yours" until you register it; until then it's up for grabs. (At this point I fully expect someone to register it just to cause more confusion and, of course, to piss you off.)
I think I'm done beating this dead horse of a subject to death. Unless you or someone else has something substantive to say I'll just let the hand-wringing go on without me.

The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.

Mutilated Mind

TehBorken wrote:
 That's teh way teh intarweb works, for better or worse. In this particular case you have the power to stop it.

Sounds like a racket. You know, the racketeer who make the shopowner pay for "protection" against things he doesn't want to happen. After all, he has the "power to stop it", doesn't he ?  :)


 Mutilated Mind wrote:
Sounds like a racket. You know, the racketeer who make the shopowner pay for "protection" against things he doesn't want to happen. After all, he has the "power to stop it", doesn't he ?  :)

 See above.
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.

Tra la la la la

Go to [a href=""][/a] and see which kind of troll Mutilated Mind is. My guess is the 'Nitpick':

Nitpick compensates for his limited fighting ability         by pouncing on points that are only marginally relevant to the discussion.         Even if the minor point         is conceded by his opponent Nitpick will return to it whenever the battle         turns against him. Though weak, Nitpick is very tenacious and will never         admit defeat. Nitpick is a close ally of [a href=""]Artful       Dodger[/a].


 Tra la la la la wrote:
Go to [a  href=""][/a] and see which kind of troll Mutilated Mind is. My guess is the 'Nitpick':

You know, stirring the pot like this isn't helping.
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.