Insane Paris Driving

Started by TehBorken, Oct 04 06 11:00

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 Wow. This is nuts.

On a cold August morning in 1976, French filmmaker Claude Lelouch mounted a gyro-stabilized camera to the bumper of a Ferrari 275 GTB and had a professional Formula 1 racer, drive at insane speeds through the heart of Paris.
[a href=""]

A couple of times he has to slow down to about 100, but when the trees on the side of the road start to look like a picket fence and the white lines turn to dots, then you know he's moving. Awesome footage, really starts to get insane about 5 minutes into it. [a  href=""]Link[/a]

The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


Darn it! When I saw the heading, I thought this was another one about our much loved Ms Hilton.    
A fool's paradise is better than none.



People wouldn't think of doing that now. Real filmakers filmed in the 60's and 70's.

About half way through he drives on the wrong side of the road. wow

6 minutes almost hits a bunch of birds.

Unbelievably awesome!
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

Mutilated Mind

There is a comment under the article, saying "Actually it wasn't a Ferrari 275 at all. There was a show documenting the making of this video and it was done with a Mercedes sedan. I think they added engine sounds in postprod."

I thought I'd mention it.

OTOH, did this take place "in the heart of Paris", or in the tunnels on the quays along the Seine ?  I thought if this could be done, then rather there than in the "heart of Paris".


 Mutilated Mind wrote:
There is a comment under the article, saying "Actually it wasn't a Ferrari 275 at all. There was a show documenting the making of this video and it was done with a Mercedes sedan. I think they added engine sounds in postprod."

Are you the real Mutilated Mind or just an incredible simulation?

The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.

Mutilated Mind

I fear this might be getting to be a problem since that fake poster hijacked my nick.

Or am I that little credible ?


Even crazier, some girl on some highway in Paris driving through traffic at 250kph on a bike.

  [A href=""][/A]
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

Mutilated Mind

Crazy and crazier !

Sportsdude crossing Paris in a split second !  :)


 Mutilated Mind wrote:
I fear this might be getting to be a problem since that fake poster hijacked my nick. could rectify that problem once and for all in about 2 minutes. Register your nick and it won't be an issue. (Or don't, either way is fine with me.)

Or am I that little credible ?
I don't think credibility is the issue here, MM. It's an issue of being able to say "that's me" without any ambiguity. If you don't register your nick, anyone can impersonate you. It's that simple.
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.

Mutilated Mind

TehBorken wrote:
Mutilated Mind wrote:

Or am I that little credible ?

I don't think credibility is the issue here, MM. It's an issue of being able to say "that's me" without any ambiguity. If you don't register your nick, anyone can impersonate you. It's that simple.

It's you who were asking if I was an "incredible simulation". Did you forget ?

I just might be willing to take the risk. By now, I think you might know me well enough to know how far I will and won't go. I do know my limits and you might have observed that. Otherwise, when in doubt - do as you normally would do : ask !


 Mutilated Mind wrote:
It's you who were asking if I was an "incredible simulation".

Yes, because without a registered nick it's not possible to tell.

Did you forget ?


Otherwise, when in doubt - do as you normally would do : ask !
Again, that won't mean squat. How are we supposed to know if it is in fact "you"? I could post on here as you and if anyone asked I'd say, "Yes, it's really me- Mutilated Mind". How would anyone know it wasn't? If you (the "real" MM) claimed differently, I could insist I was in fact you, and no one could be sure.
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.

Mutilated Mind

 Hey, look, it's me, Mutilated Mind! Woo Hoo!

I like little floral-scented shampoo, Pop-Tarts, and watching soap operas.

Don't ask if it's the real me, because it is. I swear it!!!!!!



See what I mean?

The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.

Mutilated Mind

Mutilated Mind wrote:

It's you who were asking if I was an "incredible simulation". Did you forget ?

I was looking at this again, and had some reflection without myself about this strange way of thinking you have, TehBorken. I reply to something you yourself brought up and then you say that "it's not the issue" ?

What's the idea ?


 Mutilated Mind wrote:
I reply to something you yourself brought up and then you say that "it's not the issue" ?

No, what I said was "Register your nick and it won't be an issue."

The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.