Heavy Net Users: Not sociable says StatsCan

Started by Lise, Aug 03 06 06:17

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Did anyone catch the Vancouver Sun today? Apparently those who are heavy internet users are basically.....losers who don't mingle with family and are not sociable. This according to StatsCan.

  I feel that's a pretty inaccurate view of ppl who uses the Net. If anything, you socialized and communicate with ppl all the time. I wouldn't have kept in touch with my friends from highschool if it hadn't been for the net.

  Anyways, here's the article from the Vancouver Sun.

   [H2]Heavy net users losing touch: StatsCan[/H2] [H4]Technology helps us communicate with others, critics say[/H4]

 A new Statistics Canada survey suggests that people who use the Internet, particularly heavy users who spend more than an hour online, spend less time tending to family, friends and outdoor activities.

 The poll, compiled from the 2005 General Social Survey, looked at how 19,600 Canadian respondents spent their time over a 24-hour period. It aims to give researchers an accurate and detailed picture of the amount of time people spend online for personal reasons.

 The survey found that heavy users spend less time sleeping, relaxing, eating and working, and that they also socialize less with people around them.

 [FONT size=1]More: [/FONT][A href="http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/story.html?id=8e672d3a-b538-484d-9f43-4045eaa4b440&k=58139"][FONT size=1]http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/story.html?id=8e672d3a-b538-484d-9f43-4045eaa4b440&k=58139[/FONT][/A]


Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


i can believe that.

  online gamers are known to play pretty much all night. people who chat online slowly loose their ability to socially interact with them face to face. you might keep in touch with them more often, but you might not be face to face with them or other people as much.

  i know chatting online can be very addicting and i know it is so much easily to chat or send an email as oppose to picking up the phone and trying to make plans with someone.


Well I don't do much outside the computer. Not really a social animal, so I guess this study might have some merit.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I am not losing touch.  Does anyone know what time Melrose Place is on?
"Obviously crime pays, or there'd be no crime."
G. Gordon Liddy