Women like their men to be exciting and mysterious. Too often that means an irresponsible jerk with no self-control. That's what spins your gears, ladies, and we both know it.
Women will date these men over and over, all the while bemoaning the lack of "decent guys" out there when the fact is they're drowning in them but won't give them a second look. Decent guys just don't have the aura of "danger" that attract women like moths to a candle.
In other words, they're "boring" because they won't cheat on you, won't hit you, won't get drunk every night, and therefore they aren't good candidates for reforming (which is a strong unconcious desire of most if not all women).
I have no pity for these women, because they end up getting exactly what they went out of their way to pick: a total a**hole who will cheat and mistreat them.
Yeah, women all say they want a nice guy, but we all know that's a complete load of shit. (Look around and tell me that isn't so. The proof is in the pudding, right?)
You only want a "nice guy" after you've f*cked everything from Bakersfield to Barstow, been beaten up and knocked around a bit, and then you finally to decide to "settle down" and let some sucker (the "nice guy") support you for the rest of your lives.