Cartier Crash Watch

Started by TehBorken, Jul 26 06 06:44

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No idea if this is true or not....the watch is real, but the story? I don't know.

The story goes that a Vice president from the Cartier offices in London, was involved in a fatal car crash. A fire ensued and the occupant along with his watch was caught up in the flames, furthering along the fatality and "melting" the watch on his wrist, a Cartier Bagnoire Alongee, which is shaped like an elongated oval. The watch being melted and mangled took on the shape of a surrealistic watch from a Dali painting. The powers that be at Cartier, found this "watch design" actually inspiring, and decided to introduce is as a new design, and as a tribute to their fallen colleague. Thus the "Crash" watch was born.( in Great Britain the slang for a car accident is "crash")
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


Will the new design melt back to the original, given similar circumstances?
A fool's paradise is better than none.


i dont know if i would buy a watch that looked like that.


Maybe so, and I wouldn't either - but you can rest assured that if  it's decreed 'a must' by the fashion gurus, then thousands of mindless idiots will queue up to buy it.  
A fool's paradise is better than none.

weird al