So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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OH 49er......I'm on my way  !!!  Yum, yum, yum and YUM.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Well this is dinner theatre. I've been laughing with roomies non stop for 30mins.

[h3]Liberals apologize for late delivery of Dion video[/h3]"I apologize for what happened tonight. I apologize for the poor quality and the lateness. I am livid and am doing an investigation as to how this happened," Johanne Senecal, Dion's Chief of Staff, said to CTV News tonight.

[ul][li]6:15-6:30 - The Liberal miss their promised deadline to deliver Dion's statement to the television networks. [/li][li]6:40 - Liberal arrive with a single tape at the press gallery in Ottawa. They were supposed to deliver two tapes, one in French, one in English. They arrived with a single tape in DVD-minicam format, which is not a broadcast quality format. [/li][li]Shortly after 6:40 - The Liberals decide to run back to their offices -- a block away -- because the French portion of the tape needs another edit. [/li][li]7:05 - Liberal staffers were still in their offices as the networks went to air with the Harper address. [/li][li]7:07 - Harper's statement finishes and network anchors are forced to kill time as they wait for Dion's address. [/li][li]7:10 to 7:15 - Liberal staffers arrive back at the press gallery on Wellington Street with a DVD-minicam player that they had taken from their own offices, along with the associated cables. There is still only one tape, not two. A press gallery official tells the Liberals that the gallery is not the feed point and an argument ensues. The Liberals ask why they weren't told that earlier. The feed point is next door at the CBC building, which is the long-established feed play point for all network pools. The Liberals are informed that they need to be walked into the building by authorized staff. [/li][li]7:20 - English network anchors are still live on television, wondering where the tape is. CTV has still had no communications from the Liberals about Dion's address. [/li][li]Approximately 7:15 - CBC receives tape and begins dubbing into French and English versions. This takes about 10 minutes. [/li][li]7:28 - CTV decides to go off-air and back to regular scheduled programming at 7:30. CTV has still not seen a feed of the tape. [/li][li]7:28 - CBC incorrectly punches out the finished feed only to their network. [/li][li]7:30 - CTV signs off broadcast at scheduled time. [/li][/ul] "We missed our deadline," Moreau said. "The shot was not all that professional. It was soft-focused."
CTV received angry emails within minutes of Dion's broadcast. Some viewers thought CTV was ignoring the Liberal leader, while others thought Dion was purposely snubbing the network. [/p] Dion's coalition partners were both angry and embarrassed by the Liberal address.The NDP said Wednesday's fiasco undermined the credibility of the coalition, CTV's Robert Fife reported. [/p] "I'm told that (Bloc Quebecois Leader) Gilles Duceppe ran into Mr. Dion in the elevator and asked 'What the hell happened?' and Mr. Dion said, 'We're not used to being in opposition," Fife said.
[/p]ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/p]dvd mini cam??? ROTFL[/p]omg. This is the best Canada can do?[/p][a href=""][/a]
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."



 dvd mini cam??? ROTFL

 omg. This is the best Canada can do?

    What ?   We're not the great utopia any more ?    
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Huh? I love living here. I don't know about other immigrants though, they might not want to stay with the shenanigans. No this whole week has been comedy hour really. You've got most likely Conservative Party plants calling up radio shows saying we live in a Third World country, and are just not making sense (Tories have a website up telling supporters with bullet points to call into radio shows (enter your postal code, gives you all the radio shows to call into).
Then you've got the Liberal Party of Canada making a video to the nation in a homemade camcorder, they forget the other tape and the national networks just kill time. You've got a Prime Minister who is implying that just looking at a Bloc MP is an act of treason. You've got Stockwell Day saying he'd never of signed a deal with the Bloc which would of been against his heart. Yet he did just that.
You've got the Bloc leader and NDP leader looking the sanest in Parliament over the two 'main parties' which are suppose to run this country. We've got a Gov. General in Prague.

You can't make this stuff up, its brilliant.
And at the same time I'm loving this, I grew up in a red state during the Clinton years with a neighbour who thought Clinton killed off his political opponents and I lived through 8 years of the Bush administration and their whacked out zombie supporters.

I'm freaking loving this.
Anything that mocks the system is great. Dilutes the idea that this is some proper place of importance. When reality bureaucracy runs this country, the machine keeps it going, politicians and the House of Commons are just actors. Belgium went 18 months without a government. This is what DADA is to High Art. I love recounts where they're talking about hanging chads and political parties fighting over really nothing with really bad one liners, over the top antics worthy of the Oscars for best foreign film.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."



his rhetoric alone is quite stunning, especially in QP. The country is split. He gets more favourable ratings in Alberta and "the West" w/ rural BC, but in Ontario and Quebec they don't like it. I said on Friday I think he Borden'd himself with the Conservative brand in Quebec. BQ is a legitimate party, it represents a certain group of Canadians and the BQ is always the power broker in every parliament, so to have in writing that they would vote with the coalition on budget and confidence matters, (without them being able to have input but agreeing to it anyway) and saying that's somehow undemocratic is rather silly. This isn't a constitutional issue, its a political one.

And to say Jacques Parizeau is somehow part of the coalition is even more ridiculous. That guy is a crazy old man who was last seen blaming the ethnics for losing the referendum. He has no influence whatsoever especially since the PQ isn't running on a referendum platform. And the BQ is an interest party, its the flaw in the system, regional parties work the best in first past the post.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Anyway I think Dion would be a better public speaker if he borrowed Stephen Hawking's talking machine. That would be hilarious in Parliament. He could borrow it now, since Hawking works at Uni of Waterloo. lol  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


 Im a big conservative supporter...
and my response is imgoing to the can to take a big crap.
thats my statement to this
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims



I was going to see what Harper and/or Dion was going to say last night, but I ended up muting the TV...put on Sirius Vinyl. It made a lot more sense this way.

I guess at the end of the day, whoever is in power of this country, my life has never changed much as a result? Just sick of it. If someone could blow up the parliament buildings, please do so now!
When the End comes, don't worry if your party shoes are clean or not. Just make sure you have them on!


Mmmm, Manderin orange, grapes, and toast for breaky.

  and coffee..

this should be called the lunch and breakfast thread. Poor breakfast, always left out...
When the End comes, don't worry if your party shoes are clean or not. Just make sure you have them on!

Lil Me

Enjoying my coffee.
 It looks like there's a break in the financialpocalypse.  We have a full-time client through 2009....a total relief to us, yet I have very mixed feelings because things in the mining industry are BAD and many people (friends) have nothing right now, especially if they stay in Canada and don't go international.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


Good to hear, about the 2009 client Lil Me.  The state of things is a little frightening right now.

    *Russ....did you get the Suburban ?
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.



  Van wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]I was going to see what Harper and/or Dion was going to say last night, but I ended up muting the TV...put on Sirius Vinyl. It made a lot more sense this way. [/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]I guess at the end of the day, whoever is in power of this country, my life has never changed much as a result? Just sick of it. If someone could blow up the parliament buildings, please do so now! [/div]
You should try.. then we could celebrate 'Van" day like in the UK they celebrate Guy Fawkes day!

Oh you would have to be caught, tortured, and killed though. Minor things

Morning! I can tell Im getting older.. my head HURTS today. I also have to bus to where I left my truck last night, lol.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims
