You know, honestly, if an immigrant decides to come here and is independantly wealthy and decides to live locked up in their apartment for the rest of their life, well that's sad but I guess it's their choice.
If, on the other hand, they are going to join the workforce, then I expect them to learn English ASAP even if they feel uncomfortable with it. Like people have already said, if I moved to Spain I would feel obligated to speak Spanish and would in no way cop an attitude and try to pressure the Spanish to learn English for my benefit. Communication is VITAL for creating communities, and if you truly want to only hang out with folks from your native country, speak your native language, read newspapers from back home and whatnot then please leave your spot for someone who feels differently.
We can only smash the distrust of the other through communication and the mixing of cultures (and blood). Sticking to your own only leads to fear and resentment.