So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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bowl of cereal for dinner.

How did your steak turn out, Michel?

Does anyone know if it's normal for your computer to conk out on the internet every half hour?  It seems like I have a half hour limit to surf internet before it conks out.  If it helps, I'm using Vista. :P



I think you would need more of a filler like mashed taters, or some rice....something more fill you up with that high protien content meal.  


Lil Me

I agree with purelife's assessment.  Michel's meal needs a carbohydrate.
 Rinse a potato in the microwave, eat a noodle cup, or eat some bread with the steak.
 (and add a handful of vegetables-- do you ever buy the frozen peas/carrots?  Microwave a little bowl.  Or eat a handful of baby carrot sticks, or an orange, or a handful of bag salad)
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein



 PC.. just think thoughts of nasty things on those idiots from home depot. Or when you find what you want, make sure you let those idiots know you found what you wanted after asking their expert advice. I do. Then I remind them Im a useless nut as Ive been called.

Michel.. I never have a steak without baked potato and salad.. seriously. Potatoes fill you up and salad makes you feel better about all the meat and good stuff you are eating.

Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims



Michel you need someone to cook for you or at least show you 'cooking for lazy people'. haha

oh the soap opera continues on campus, crazy kids.
sushi for dinner at this place on 41st and g'ville
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


purelife, we share the same supervisor. The sad truth of the matter is that she is blinded to what's going on at the front line.

  I went to see her Friday morning to explain what had happened. I was shocked to hear that the other co-worker have blantantly lied about what happened. She made the claim that I had said this and that and was close to being insubordinate. My supervisor told me that I should listen to her to the co-worker because she has more seniority and that sometimes "you do the job anyways, not because you like it but because you have to."

  I felt my words were not listened to and that because this co-worker have gone to her first (I was on my day off) that I did not get a chance to say anything. Even after speaking the truth (I've nothing to hide) I felt I did not get the support nor given a fair response. My supervisor will talk to the co-worker again but I don't think it will get anywhere. It will just be more lies fed one after the other. She could spin a yarn with her eyes closed.

  I went to the union the same afternoon because of the whole situation. Thank goodness the person in charge was a good listener and could see how distress I was. I had only spoken the truth and gotten into trouble for that. As it stands, the union will now become involve with my case. I don't know if going to them will make me an enemy but I felt as if I had no choice. It's become an ugly affair which could have been avoided had that co-worker been more honest.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Lil Me

Aw Lise.  I feel for you, girl.  Keep on with this and let us know how it's going.  Remember that if you're telling the truth, you're doing the right thing.  Good for you for speaking up about a horrible situation.
 My dad is the forever pragmatist.  He always asks me, when I describe a bad/wrong situation, "Can you live with it?"  That's the test of whether you should take personal action or not.  If it's not that bad, it's often not worth the effort to create a fight....but if it IS bad, something needs to be said and done.
 Slightly offtopic:
 Unfortunately...I have a older woman who is probably lonely and has nothing else to occupy her time....makes semantical arguements about EVERYTHING in the community.  She sees everything in black/white terms and if there is ever a mistake or error made about anything (however minor), she gets on her high horse and starts a fight  about it.  *sighs*  This woman has no grip on reality!
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


A cranky old lady in your neighborhood, eh? We get a cranky old  man living behind us. Seems to me that ppl who have no life just want to make other ppl as miserable as they feel. It certaily isn't right but I'm a great believer that karma will find a way to get back at them.

  Thanks for the words of support, LM. I just feel so bumped out that I'm not able to sleep properly at night. To think that this woman can make a small situation be blown so out of propotion is ridiculous. I cannot ignore this. If I did, then the same thing will happen again and again and one day I'm going to be called up for something I didn't do.

  Y'know, I always have this philosophy that if you work hard, keep your head down and do the best you can, you won't have any trouble. It's so wrong. No matter what you do, even if you're honest and hard working, you still get blame for things. Well, I'm not going to let her have the satisfaction that she can get away with whatever. It's time for me to stand my ground and I'm not gonna go down without a fight.

  Sorry.... I'm venting. It's not like me.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.

Lil Me

Lise- try using a voodoo doll, next?  
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


I think UBC needs to pump a calming agent into the dentistry buildings, everybody I know in there is stressed to the max! lol

be more like my department, hippies!
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."
