So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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 Morning in BC!
So to those 30% of you who showed up to vote yesterday. You made history and if all goes according to plan NPA will cease to exist.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

Lil Me

I don't live in the City, but I think the COPE/Vision/Green coalition is pretty kewl.
 Out in the sticks, we have a new mayor (yahoo!).  I was hoping to clean house with respect to the City Council, but no dice.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


Yeah the general mood is one of hope of the demise of NPA. But they're like cancer, you can't rid the planet of it, but can only put it in remission.

Bunch of us had a good old time today at the Foundation the vegetarian/vegan place at Main and Broadway. Nice place.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I hated every single person/party for the vancouver election.

I still went and 'voted' though  
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Did not vote. I totally forgot all about it. Ja, ja, ja..... I know, I know but between running errands and dropping kids off to various activities, you just forget.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


There was no voting in our area.

  I sense your frustration Russ.  I think the drastic drop in numbers for voting is a direct reflection of what kind of job THEY'RE doing, more than a reflection of our apathy.  Everyone talks about our obligations and civic it's a privilege to be able to vote...blah blah blah blah.  Don't these people have an obligation to at least make an effort to get people to WANT to vote for them ???  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


   Disagree. The fact that 30% annually vote in municipal isn't related to job, it's that they're more like Lise, they forget or they simply do not know. If you want higher turnout, put municipal and provincial elections together since BC has a fixed election date. There's a reason why the US votes for everything every 2 years in the first week of November. Half the public is too stupid to vote during any other time of the year. It's about election dates more than governance.

The 'we're tired' only works for the Federal parties.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


 Sportsdude wrote:
 [div style="font-style: italic;"]  Disagree. The fact that 30% annually vote in municipal isn't related to job, it's that they're more like Lise, they forget or they simply do not know. If you want higher turnout, put municipal and provincial elections together since BC has a fixed election date. There's a reason why the US votes for everything every 2 years in the first week of November. Half the public is too stupid to vote during any other time of the year. It's about election dates more than governance.
The 'we're tired' only works for the Federal parties.

I dont fully agree, but Ill agree with most of that.
We should do what Norway or Sweden (not sure which country it is), that using the tax returns, makes it mandatory for people to vote. By absentee or otherwise.. and it IS allowed to spoil your ballot if you think its a load of bollocks.. but you still have to put pen to paper.

30 percent is freaking dismal.

Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


 P.C. wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]There was no voting in our area. [/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]I sense your frustration Russ.  I think the drastic drop in numbers for voting is a direct reflection of what kind of job THEY'RE doing, more than a reflection of our apathy.  Everyone talks about our obligations and civic it's a privilege to be able to vote...blah blah blah blah.  Don't these people have an obligation to at least make an effort to get people to WANT to vote for them ???  [/div]
Is your area like my parents and unincorporated? They can build whatever they want on their property, and not have to answer to anyone with it. No building codes.. nothing. The only thing required is to get the electrical done by a certified electrician.. and thats it. No permits, building inspectors, or qualified builders required.

I dont think they care about that.. as long as they beat the other guy they can continue to run roughshod over the majority to appease the minorities.
Im serious about my opinion where we are a majority paying for a supreme court enforced minority dictatorship. (Im not talking political parties here either).
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


So you want an elected Supreme Court? How exactly? I elect my Supreme Court Justices in Missouri and county courts and everything else (Sup Crt Just used to be the cousin of Rush Limbaugh). You get a Yes or No on whether this person should be retained. It's pointless, you don't know who you are actually voting for and the judicial isn't suppose to be politicized. The instant you politicize the judiciary, you give a judge the potential to void the rule of law. You'll get county judges running in elections telling the electorate that they will put everyone in prison and crack down on crime (they become politicians). (this is your typical election campaign by judges in rural counties). North American judicial system (Canada and the US) is not created like Europe's where judges take part in the defense procedures and go after criminals. They're impartial.

usually unincorporated areas in the states have to go by county rules, down side you're the last to get your street plowed by snow as county controls the highways and that is most important. So for about a week your neighbourhood becomes a winter rally course. lol

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

Lil Me

Nuthin wrong with living in an unincorporated jurisdiction...'cept you've got no inspector or municiapality to sue when your house falls down.  lol
 Spent the day trying to save a consulting business (mine) on the TSX's worst day ever.  Still hopeful that there are offshore clients out there.  Looking at wacky places like Cameroon, Tanzania and N. Europe.  It's a huge test of courage and faith.  I don't really want to move the home office, but....
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


Yipes Lil Me.  Where would you have to move it to ?  (I know where you can get a really cheap place)  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.

Lil Me

*hopefully* nowhere, P.C.  I'd hope that we can stay right here and continue to do the same types of jobs.  But time will tell.
 We have a steady client until the end of Dec, but  with the market being a-shambles and having unsettled mining law issues in several Asian countries, we don't know what will happen come January.  We're a bit anxiously looking for new clients and/or new jobs.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


Will keep fingers crossed for a good outcome Lil Me.

  Going to be a gorgeous day out there.  What a strange fall it's been so far.    
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Russ, you're avatar is totally in poor taste.  Please remove that s.hit.  It went around the world repeatedly in e-mails about a decade ago!  Be a man, not a boy.  Thanks.

C'mon, the city is sleeping!
