So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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lol isn't your MP the guy who was accused of looking at porn in HOC when it was his gf? lol  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."



Morning Headlines
International: Obama's in Germany, Germany has gone mad for Obama, at 10am pt he'll speak in front of a crowd of 50,000-100,000 Berliners. He promises no famous German lines. Bild the German tabloid has an up to the minute ticker detailing everything from his convoy detail, to where he's staying in Berlin and when he's going to the washroom. (okay not the last part) Its hilarious to read if you know German. [a href=""]Link from the translated site[/a]

National: McCain is lost in the shuffle for press coverage against Obama, goes to a grocery store, gets picture taken in front of the cheese aisle.... Lawmakers consider strengthening the country's levees (god the federal government is sooo slow)......Ford says SUVS are dead (wow and we didn't know this? It took Ford how long...)
US jobless claims hit 406,000 last week.
Ford lost 8.7 BILLION last quarter
Sirius-XM merger looks to be completed
Bush drops fight against 300 billion dollar bail out bill  to help debt ridden homeowners and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Local News that's International: Myspace suicide. The local girl that committed suicide because she was bullied by a woman in the area, well now the woman's lawyer is challenging charges saying they're flawed. (Don't know how flawed they could be, her actions led to the teens death)

Local: Day 3 of Police Chief Crisis, the Posts official "black" columnist wrote today in the paper to have him fired. Mayor wrote on his blog that he's thinking about canning him. Cardinals continue to implode, hopefully Ballpark Village 3.0 doesn't do the same... 2 people shot last night. 1 killed, one critical. That makes 5-6 murders this week and its only Wednesday.

Funny news: Chimp in Japan got out of his cage, zoo keepers try to shoot him with a tranquilizer gun. The guy thought it would be great to sneak up on him on the roof. Chimp saw this coming and knocked the gun out of the guys hand and slammed it to the ground! Chimp pwnds zookeeper. lol
video: [a href=""][/a]
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."



Morning everyone!

  Uhm, may I request for another set of morning headlines?

  I took out all my aggression on the track last night.  I feel much better.  If I knew tkd like Lil Me, I would break some boards.  


 Good for you PL!
okay, I'll post Vancouver headlines tomorrow too. lol Summer boredom.
I'm on 2 and a half hours of sleep. Don't know how I'm going to make it through the day.

Add: On Obama, you can tell what a President will or won't do until we've been through a year of their presidency. Clinton wanted Universal Health Care etc, his first year. That failed, and by his first state of the Union address he was announcing to the world his ideas of 'Third Way' politics because his poll numbers were so low. Bush was a failure until 9/11 happened, then that's what gave him life so to speak and he's ran on that for 7 years.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."



Sportsdude wrote:
I'm on 2 and a half hours of sleep. Don't know how I'm going to make it through the day.

 Coffee?  Or really strong tea?
Hi SD and Michel.




Speaking of truckers who don't want to fall asleep, I was on the I-5 last weekend and suddenly my car swerve (sp?) to the right.  I heard this noise and was like WTF was that?!  MrPL told me that those grooves (sp?) on the side road are there to wake people up who accidentally drive over the yellow line.  How certainly woke me up.



I hope it doesn't damage the car!  What a vibrator!


 LOL purelife!!!
Welcome to American roads. I hate running over those, especially when everyone is sleeping, it wakes them up.
No more Western Highways for me though. I'm strictly a train home, fly back person now. Only way I can get back home for Christmas. If that doesn't work, its Christmas in Portland with my great Aunt and Uncle.... oh boy....that's torture.

I had all my coffee before my 2 1/2 hrs of deep sleep. Still have to do more work then I've got class in 4hrs. So I get the rest of the work done, take another 1hr nap then go. lol

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Sportsdude wrote:
LOL purelife!!!
Welcome to American roads. I hate running over those, especially when everyone is sleeping, it wakes them up.

 At least we know it works!  That noise freaked me out.



hahaha. Yeah, although when you're sleepy and it doesn't really wake you, then its time to pull over and zzzz.

Not all interstate roads have it. Then two lane roads don't usually, they just have the ditch.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

